Saturday, September 2, 2023

Back To School

 On the way home from cross country, we happened to pass The Big Cow. He is now ready for school!

He has everything he needs. 

An apple for the teacher.


And a backpack.

Our granddaughters just started school as well. Here are their pics, taken by their Mom.

“If you think your teachers are tough, wait ‘til you get a boss.”

 — Bill Gates


CheerfulMonk said...

Nice pictures, thank you. Would you believe that here school started August 9th? I have no idea why so early.

Ann said...

That cow is just too cute. I can't get over how big the girls are getting. And Anne Marie already a junior.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

talk about growth, wow! how did they grow up so quickly. this means we are THAT MUCH OLDER.. yikes. we have been friends for 15 years now, how did that happen? they are all beautiful, prayers for good grades and safety.

Mari said...

I love how they decorate the big cow and the cat in your neighborhood.
The girls all look so cute on their first day!

photowannabe said...

Happy School Beginnings.
Time sure goes by fast. Your Grands are getting so big
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.
Cute cow decor too.

Chatty Crone said...

Beautiful girls! Our kids went back August 1st.

NanaDiana said...

Sweet girls all ready for school...and the cow! lol. Love that saying by Bill Gates. xo Diana

Red Rose Alley said...

Now, that is one cute cow. I love the school days, so the dressed up cow spoke to me today. Cute pictures of your granddaughters, and I hope they have a wonderful school year, Ginny.


HappyK said...

Wow the cow even get decorated for back to school.
What about the cat!?:)

roentare said...

The cow is so fashionable!

Asep Haryono said...

I would love to become a big bos

Greetings from Indonesia

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Cow student looks good πŸ‘. School in our area started middle of last week. At church on Sunday morning a young man got his scholarship for a university in Oregon. He's done some good things at church. Your granddaughters are lovely and hope they have a blessed school year πŸ™ ✨️.

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy First day! Love the crayons too. All good stuff here. Happy New School-Year Adventures!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Nice pictures of the girls, and the Bill Gates quote gave me a good chuckle, haha.

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet photos of your granddaughters. I wish them the happiest of school years. The cow tickles my funny bone. I would love to have a chat with its clothes designer :)

Jenny the Pirate said...

I admire the person or persons who keep(s) that cow up to date. That's awesome. His backpack is really funny. I hope the girls have a great year at school, full of accomplishment! xoxo

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