Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Next Door

 Hmmm, what is this?

Some of you may have recognized it by now, although it is awfully scraggly at this point. It is a tiny pumpkin patch!

This is our next door neighbors' little patch in the side yard. They picked the few little ones that survived and put them out.

And when I say this is a tiny patch, here I am looking at it through our back door. I have circled the entire patch. Teeny. Taking three big steps would cover the entire patch.

I am impressed!

“There's no logical reason to put pumpkin in a cup of coffee.”

 ~Cindy Ott


Ann said...

That would be the perfect sized pumpkin patch for me. Just enough pumpkins to use for a little decorating. How fun.

roentare said...

You are reminding me Halloween is coming! Great decorations.

Mari said...

It's perfect! And it gave them some little pumpkins too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the patch looks good even without pumpkins and the pumpkins are adorable. that is one thing daddy never grew, mama used canned pumkin to make her pies.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Best size pumpkin patch for me- I would gather the smallest and decorate and then till that patch under :)

HappyK said...

A couple small pumpkins are better than none. :)

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Nice photos. I have a few volunteer pumpkins this year from where I had one on display outside last year. They are white.
The leafs are starting to turn colors here now , just a bit so far

CheerfulMonk said...

I think that's the ideal size. 😊

photowannabe said...

I'm thinking that those are just the perfect size too.
Tiny is good for that patch..it shows that pumpkins will do their thing just about any place.
I do love your ending quote about coffee and pumpkins..made me smile.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

So exciting to see the pumpkins growing, even out of a small patch! I have several in my garden this year, they are going to be ripening soon. I'm excited! Blessings to you :) Enjoy!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That is about the perfect size for me. I don't have a lot of room for pumpkins

Red Rose Alley said...

How wonderful that your neighbors have a pumpkin patch.....even it's it's a small one. It produced some cute little pumpkins. I like the stem on that one. That's a charming picture of the wee pumpkins with the flowers next to the fence. You have some interesting things in your neighborhood, Ginny.


DeniseinVA said...

A perfect size and pumpkins are their reward. I always enjoy your neighborhood photos.

Jenny the Pirate said...

First of all, I agree that there is no logical reason to put pumpkin in a cup of coffee. UGH! No thanks. Then I must point out that TG had an almost identical pumpkin patch in our side yard! It produced one smallish decorative pumpkin of dubious color. NOT orange, haaahaha! xoxo

The Howling

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