Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Lunch

 Every year, our elementary school asks grandparents to come visit their grandchildren in the cafeteria for lunch. This is our third grandchild we have done this with, and it is fun! We brought her Mcdonalds                            

The artwork on the hall wall on the way into the cafeteria.

There were already quite a few there.

This was on one of the walls.

Here is Jazz.

Phil, me, & Jazz.

She invited her best friends to meet us and eat with us. They named themselves "The Dream Team".

Art on the hall wall on the way out.

Outside there was a table of painted rocks.

“Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.”

 ~Author unknown



roentare said...

Looks like a wonderful time for the kids.

Ann said...

How fun. I was just talking about this with one of the girls at work the other day. I'm hoping that when Presley's class does this I get invited.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the art is all interesting and really cool things. my favorite pic is the keeping it cool tennis shoes. your girls just grow like weeds. wow, Jazz is a young lady. grand parents day is great..

Mari said...

What a fun thing for the school to do. I'm sure Jazz was thrilled you were there. I love their Dream Team name! She's a pretty girl.

Sandi said...

What were the painted rocks for?

George said...

This sounds like a wonderful fun event.

Jan said...

Awww-I remember those days, but they are long gone-the girls are in high school now! Where does the time go?

photowannabe said...

That's a delightful thing for the school to do. I always enjoyed visiting the schools of my boys when they were young and my grands too.

Red Rose Alley said...

There's nothing like artwork that is made by a child. I love all the different hearts. And also the cheerful wall going to the cafeteria. That's a fun thing for them to have at their school. And McDonald's is a Yummy way to celebrate the day. A dear photo of you and Jazz. Those painted rocks are cool.


Inger said...

What a lovely tradition the school had created. I know you had the best time. And Jazz had fun too, proud to have her grandparents there, no doubt. It's always nice to get a post about your grandchildren.

HappyK said...

What a great tradition!!
Sounds like a fun time.
One time when my mother was visiting us my young son took his grandmother to school for Show and Tell. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Darling photos! The Dream Team? That's so cute and it must have been a lovely gathering. Such a great idea to have a Grandparents Day at school.

My Shasta Home said...

How fun for you and your husband. Sounds like a fun time and I hope many Grandparents were able to come. I'm not a Grandparent but I was a Nanny for 12 years with one family. For years, they would invite me to their Grandparents/Special Friend Day and I always enjoyed going. They are all out of college now and pursuing their careers.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love grndparents day. I wish they had done this when my kids were in school, but glad I am getting to do it now. I am on my last two kiddos and its been about 23 years from my very first to these last two. Still have at least five more grandparent's days to go.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's a wonderful idea!

Linda said...

I love having lunch with the grands! It's a wonderful blessing to have grandchildren!

Jenny the Pirate said...

The artwork is stunning and Jazz is growing into quite the young lady! Her friends are so cute too. How nice that they wanted you and Phil to eat with them as a group! Young people keep us young! xoxo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a nice thing for the school to do.
Love the picture of the three of you. Jazz is such a pretty girl.

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