Monday, April 8, 2024

Chickens, Crickets, Birds & Flowers

 Why am I showing you some of my chickens? Because I just learned that in the darkness of the eclipse, the chickens go to bed because they think it is time to roost!


Also, crickets start to chirp, flowers close up, birds stop singing, and spiders take their webs down and put them back up.

I snapped all the following pics from the T.V.

The Mayans correctly predicted all the eclipses up until 1991! And today, large groups of people gathered to get married at the moment of the eclipse! Some groups had 50!

Seems that they enter the ceremony as two people. Then when the sun emerges they are one.

This effect is called The Diamond Ring.


CheerfulMonk said...

What an interesting and educational post! I love your chickens!

Ann said...

All your chickens remind me of my grandmother. She had a cabinet filled with roosters. I have the cabinet but none of the roosters she used to keep in it.
Interesting about the eclipse.

roentare said...

Love your informative yet clever memes.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did not know you like chickens and do not remember seeing these before. they are really cute and my pick for favorite is the two wooden chickens. awesome shots of the tv, bob watched it on CNN and I did not see the ring shot there, may have missed it. I did not know any of the info you provided. I laughed at ann's comment about chickens reminding her of her grandmother, because I was at my grandmothers house, when my great grandmothers rooster attacked me when I was 2 years old. Daddy killed the rooster, he grabbed it and wrung its neck.. that was the beginning of a life long fear of all things with feathers

Jeanette said...

Interesting facts about the eclipse. I driving to an eye doctor appointment when we got to 98% coverage and it certainly was weird outside!

Shug said...

Every single detail about God's creation is amazing. Even the animals, the CHICKENS, the flowers, EVERYTHING, reacts to the darkness that was planned for them. I'm sure each of them were confused yesterday....can you imagine the cows heading to the barns as darkness came, and in a matter of 3 or 4 minutes, turning around to head back to the pastures to eat?

Chatty Crone said...

Very interesting Ginny. Did you see it yesterday? We had a little darkness but not much. We did look at Indianapolis over the tv. Thanks for all the info.

Mari said...

Such interesting facts! I can see that those few minutes of darkness really confuses the birds and animals.

Rose said...

Daughter and I were talking and wondering what plants and animals thought of the I know. I did not think about googling.

HappyK said...

Some interesting facts and I love your chickens!!

DeniseinVA said...

This is all fascinating. Thanks Ginny! I love your chicken collection.

photowannabe said...

Great post today Ginny. I really LOVE your rooster..He would look perfect in my kitchen.(:0)
Interesting quotes and eclipse information.

Carla from The River said...

Thank you Ginny, I learned some new facts today. :-)

The Happy Whisk said...

I was also told the birds stopped singing. Ours kept singing though. It was fun to hear and watch.

Ida said...

Love your chicken collection. - Some interesting facts/photos about the eclipse. We only had 28% here but I did look through a welder's helmet to see what we did have which was neat.

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