Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Easter Kitchen

 Here are the Easter and spring decorations I had in the kitchen. Next post will be the living room. They are the only two rooms I decorate seasonally. 

The coffee corner

Beside the sink. I got the tiered jar at the Dollar Store.

On the microwave

Easter centerpiece

After Easter was over, I substituted the mushrooms for the bowl of eggs, and a snail for the rabbit.

Best way to get rid of kitchen odors: Eat out.

Phyllis Diller


“Happiness is a small house, with a big kitchen.”

– Alfred Hitchcock



Ann said...

Love all your decorations. The tulips on your table are really pretty. Did someone draw the picture on the chalkboard tag?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I though I landed on Anns blog again. ha ha.. love the snail and love love the stacked bunny cups by your coffee maker. everything looks beautiful and my OCD self loves the way you decorate.

Mari said...

Everything looks nice, and very cheerful! Those stacked bunny cups are the cutest!

DawnTreader said...

I just packed up my Easter eggs and chickens and put them away in their box to sleep until next year. Only one rooster remains as he does not live with the others.

Shug said... did a lovely job decorating for Easter. Your header photo is so pretty with the arrangement of flowers. That quote hits the nail on the head....avoid kitchen odors...EAT OUT. lol

Chatty Crone said...

I love the pastels of Easter!!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Everything looks so springy! Love the pastels for Spring.

DeniseinVA said...

I absolutely love your Easter decorations and your header shot is beautiful! I especially had my eye on that bunny planter but everything you have is darling.

photowannabe said...

So lovely Ginny. You do an amazing job with your decorations.
Love that snail and the pastel tulips.
Your bunny mugs are so cute too.

HappyK said...

Your decorations are lovely.
Like those tiered jars filled with candies.
The rabbit on the bike on the top shelf is cute!!

CheerfulMonk said...

They're so sweet and heartwarming as well as pretty. 😊❤️

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for sharing all your holiday devotions, Ginny. It does seem like the holidays go so quickly so I m leaving mine up for a while longer before switching over to new ones. Also, thanks for your comment on my post about the Haskell Library but I was unable to find out which country owns the building, so perhaps ownership is equally shared between the US. and Canada.

Rose said...

Everything is so bright and cheerful...I bet the kids love walking into your house.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love the Easter decorations.

Red Rose Alley said...

It all looks wonderful, Ginny. I LOVE those cups. I didn't see that tiered jar at the dollar store. It's perfect for candies. I like that bunny basket of flowers too, it's so Springy. You decorated nicely this Easter season, Ginny. : )


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