Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Sunday

 The family came over on Easter. I decided to wear my Pioneer Woman top, as it looks like spring.

One of the things I put out was this bunny tray of cookies.

Ann Marie's birthday was also a couple days ago. It was a big one, as she turned 18. Here is a now and then pic.

Her nails were really pretty.

She got out her phone and showed me this pic of her wearing the prom dress she chose. She graduates in a month, then on to college.

The easter basket pics did not turn out, due to a lighting mistake. Here is Phil and our son Mike. 

Three generations puzzling over tech.

A close-up shot of Dara.

And finally, all three granddaughters.


Ann said...

I love your Pioneer Woman top and it looks really nice on you. All three girls are absolutely gorgeous. So hard to believe that Ann Marie is 18 already. Even the other two girls look all grown up. It seems like just yesterday they were joining your family.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I feel the same way Ann does, it is hard to believe Ann Marie is 18 and the girls are all grown too.. time has just flown by. I love the artsy photo of the back of the gown with the fingers holding it. great shot. have not thought of that and I have done a lot of mirror shots. love your mirror shot of you and your pioneer woman blouse. love the colors. cute shot of the 3 generations of tech help, and we all know the youngest probably knows the most.

DawnTreader said...

Your granddaughters have grown up to beautiful young women! :)

Mari said...

I like your top, you look very nice!
Your cookies are so cute.
Happy Birthday to Ann Marie! She is beautiful. Those years go so fast!
I like the picture of all 3 of your pretty granddaughters. I can see you had a nice day.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Ann Marie is gorgeous. Those are the cutest cookies. Did you bake them? Your pioneer woman’s top is nice. I’ve not seen her clothing here yet. I enjoyed all your photos and your three granddaughters are growing up so fast.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Your top is darling, the cookies look scrumptious, and Ann Marie has blossomed into a beautiful young woman. All three of the girls are so cute. Another Easter come and gone! Happy spring, Ginny! xoxo

Shug said...

Goodness...I can't believe Ann Marie is now 18. she is a beautiful young lady, and her nails along with her prom dress are quite stunning. You truly are blessed with a wonderful family. Love your cross picture in the header and I think you are very becoming in your pioneer woman top! Glad you all had a great Easter

photowannabe said...

What a lovely family you have and I can't believe Ann Marie is graduating already..time sure flies.
Love your "Spring" blouse. Perfect for the holiday.

Ida said...

Very nice top. Looks and sounds like a wonderful Easter was had by all. Your granddaughters are beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad that you had your family over for Easter. Ann Marie and her dress is gorgeous. The other two girls are beautiful as well. I look at three children as three colleges and girls - three weddings. They better have started to save their money already. I loved your shirt.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your top and the bunny tray of cookies. I always love to see what you put out. And, of course, the pictures of your family. Thank you! ❤️

Red Rose Alley said...

Ann Marie's nails are beautiful! And mint is such a unique color. Happy Birthday wishes to her too. I love your green Pioneer Woman blouse. You will have to tell me if you bought that on-line, it's so cute. A dear picture of all the grandgirls, Ginny. And what a special verse you shared at the end.

Happy April!


DeniseinVA said...

Your blouse is really pretty! Looks like you had a wonderful Easter. Happy Birthday Ann Marie and she's off to college? I love her nails! You have three beautiful granddaughters! Fun mirror photos too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your Easter holiday looked like a very lovely day spent with family, especially your beautiful granddaughters. And your blouse was indeed very spring like, a great choice, Ginny.

Rose said...

I cannot believe Ann Marie is that old! Where has the time gone? All your granddaughters are beautiful!

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