Thursday, April 4, 2024

Easter Living Room

 Now here are the things I put in the living room for Easter. Some I will not put away for awhile.

An end table. 

I got this blank topiary at Dollar Tree and decorated it.

“Decorate your home. It gives the illusion that your life is more interesting than it really is.” – Charles M. Schulz


“One should never be the oldest thing in one's house." —Patsy Stone


Ann said...

Love all your decorations. I haven't put my Easter things away yet but there are a few that are more spring than Easter so they'll stay out a while longer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

still laughing at the closing quote, Bob is the oldest person in our house, I think we have a few lamps that are 100 years old, so no worries on that quote. I have never seen a glass dome with bunny ears. awesome. I like all of your living room, with the sitting on the floor bunnies at the top of the like list and the eggs in the jar 2nd. you have nothing I don't like.

Mari said...

Everything looks so nice. I really like your cloche with the eggs in it.
Neat thought about the door handle, and your ending quote made me LOL!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love the purple gnome hat. So much fun. Happy spring.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I like the glass domes and cloches. Everything looks so pretty.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Cuuuuuute everything you do, Ginny! So fresh and sweet. I too am leaving out a lot of the bunnies throughout April, until time to do the mom-centric decor for May. I like your purple stacked boxes ... I cannot live without such boxes because they hold so many precious treasures -- letters, cards, pictures drawn by the children. Darling AND useful! xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

I love and copied those two quotes. Both good ideas.

diane b said...

Love your decorations and the quotes. I can't be bothered decorating my house.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your decorations...I'm glad you'll leave them out for a while. They're more about Spring than Easter, and that's worth celebrating.

DawnTreader said...

Wow, you have a lot of Easter (or spring) decorations...
I'm not sure WHY one shouldn't be the oldest thing in one's house - but I should be on the safe side, as I have several inherited objects. ;-)

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful! I love your Easter decorating, all very cute and the quotes at the end of each post. You have inspired me to buy a couple of Easter decorations. I bought four - a set on sale - felt bunny decorations which I will share next Easter, and a garden one for outside.

Shug said...

The pink in your header photo is so Easter!! This is beautiful and your cloches are adorable. How unique...the one with the ears. You did a great job with your decorating skills..

photowannabe said...

I'm just going to say "DITTO" to everything that Sandra MadSnapper wrote..Such cute things and tastefully done.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, there's the same birdie we both have. Now, I want one in Pink! I just switched all my Purple out to Pink for Spring. And I see you love those decorative boxes too. All the decorations in your living room are so cute, Ginny. And that is the cutest glass bunny dome. That last quote is so special. I think we should have things in our home that are new, but also old - they are treasures that we will appreciate forever. Thanks for sharing your treasures with us.


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