Friday, April 19, 2024

The Rooster

 Living pretty much in the country, we have quite a few chickens around here. Every time we come in or go out, a nearby rooster crows. Yet we cannot find him! We have been all over the nearby neighborhood with no luck. Maybe he lives in a yard with a high fence. Yet how can he see us and we can't see him?

We came across this rooster quite awhile ago. He came up and posed for us.

Then in a split second, he took off at a high rate of speed.

He looked like these guys.

This rooster came running up to us and wildly attacked our tires! Trying to pick a fight with them.

Fun Chicken Facts

1) There are more chickens in the world than people. Globally, chickens outnumber people 3 to 1.

2) The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.

3) An egg shell has as many as 17,000 pores over its surface. 

4) Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens.

5) The U.S. produces about 75 billion eggs a year. That is about 10% of the world supply.

6) Roosters can't crow if they can't fully extend their neck.


The Happy Whisk said...

That's funny that you've looked and looked for him. The rooster you did come across looked happy to pose for the camera.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Roosters are funny and they think they’re so tough. Some can be mean but I still like them -

CheerfulMonk said...

Those are great pictures of that rooster! I would rather not find a rooster than be attacked by one. 😊

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Roosters are mean and I don't like chickens. My first attack from a rooster was age 2, daddy wrung its neck, my next was at 8 years old, but it was a Turkey rooster not a chicken. yes I suffer from Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens. and somewhat all birds, but i am better than i was. I had a death wish on the rooster that lived accross the street from us when my kids were in 4th grad and up. that rooster crowed all day and all night. not just in the morning. he finally go so aggravating the people who owned him got rid of him

Ann said...

I wonder where that rooster could be hiding. Nice of that one to pose for you before he had to run. At least he was more neighborly than the one attacking your tire.

roentare said...

They are fantastic to look at

Mari said...

We have chickens around us too, they are funny sometimes.
Those are interesting chicken facts!

Chatty Crone said...

You will have to keep looking for your rooster. That is cool how you got the pics you did get.
I don't think I knew any of those chicken facts! Interesting!

Linda said...

All the roosters currently here at the ranch are gentle. That is not always the case!

Carla from The River said...

Alektorophobia... oh my!!!

Our hens names are, Lolly, Dolly, Polly, Holly, Betty and Wilma.

Molly died in 2022... RIP.

HappyK said...

Interesting facts.
Lots of chickens around here too.

Rose said...

I just think roosters are so handsome, but some can be mean. Hubby's cousin's wife has some and they are all pets! She can go out and pick them up, etc.

DawnTreader said...

Almost hard to tell the real and fake ones apart! :)

Red Rose Alley said...

The white one is a handsome fellow. Funny that the rooster is trying to peck at your ties. Wonder what that is all about? I don't mind hearing them out in the country a distance from the house, but when I lived in So Cal, our next door neighbor had one and crowed not just in the morning but in the afternoon. It was so loud and annoying, and that's one of the reasons we had to move. Interesting chicken facts. Have a peaceful Sunday.


Jeanette said...

My son has a rooster that hangs out in his backyard and wakes him up every morning!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Interesting facts about chickens.
I wonder where the rooster you keep hearing is hanging out. Hope you eventually find him and let us know.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my word those chicken facts are fascinating! My TG suffered from alektorophobia at least for a period of time. I noticed when we were first married that he did not really like it when I served chicken. I love chicken so it perplexed me. Turns out that when he was a kid of about seven years old, he lobbed a small stone (mean thing to do) at one of his grandfather's chickens. He hit in in the head, and the chicken lived but it turned mean as a snake and TG was afraid of it. He got in trouble for it and thereafter has an aversion for chickens! But I serve chicken a lot now and he eats it right up, hahaha! xoxo

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