Sunday, August 11, 2024

Garden Center

 Here are some photos from a recent trip to the garden center. This is in the lobby.

Beautiful coleus.

They had lots of hanging planters.

A frog.

And a peacock.


Mari said...

The flowers are still so pretty at this point of the season. The frog made me smile!

Ann said...

That frog is adorable. The hanging baskets are so pretty. I was going to buy a small one this year to hang out in the front yard but they're so expensive and I'm so cheap.

Chatty Crone said...

As you know I do love flowers. I love the pink hanging ones. And I really love the frog - he is so cute!

photowannabe said...

Your garden center sure has some lovely flowers. Love the abundant amount of colors and choices.

Red Rose Alley said...

That quote is delightful, and so true. Seems that digging in the earth gives us a whole new perspective sometimes. The peacock is pretty, and I love those purplish hanging flowers. It's always so peaceful walking through the garden center.

Have a terrific week, Ginny.


DeniseinVA said...

Pretty plants and love the peacock and frog garden art. There is a lot of truth in the quote also. Have a great week Ginny :)

HappyK said...

Such pretty flowers. Some around here are starting to die already.

CheerfulMonk said...

It looks like a great place to visit. 😊

Rose said...

I always love the coleus...I used to get some every year. I am not sure why I stopped, but I did.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

It looks beautiful.
Love the frog.

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