Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Seems that this summer there are gazing balls everywhere! Do you have one in your yard? Would you like to? Here are just a few of the many I have seen. No, we don't have one, but they sure are beautiful.

The Playthings of a Mad King

Gazing balls were first made by Venetian artisans in the 13th century. The excentric and introverted  Bavaria’s Ludwig II, aka “Mad King Ludwig". Had an affinity for blown glass globes, displaying them atop pedestals on his elaborately landscaped grounds and floating them on ponds. Because he also suspended the balls from trees, some accounts give the “Mad King” credit for “inventing” Christmas ornaments



Mari said...

So many fun varieties of these! We have a blown glass bulb in our flowers but it's small, kind of like an extra large ornament, so not big enough to call it a gazing ball.

roentare said...

Very festival looking

Ann said...

No I don't have one but I've always wanted one. I don't know why I havent gotten one.These are all really pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see them in the garden centers and shudder at the cost of putting a piece of glass that expensive outside to get broken or stolen and 2 of our neighbors have them. that said, they are gorgeous and if I were not a cheap to the bone person, would love one to look at. these are even prettier than the ones I see at home Depot..

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Some of them are beautiful. I love the sunflower and the blue sort of striped one that looks a bit like water. I don't have one. I always think they look sort of awkward.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

To answer your question, Ginny, no we do not have a gazing ball and do not even have a yard being apt dwellers now. We never had any when we were homeowners in NJ and VA, but I have seen them indoors as well and some of these shown in this post are quite attractive. I also appreciated reading some of the history.

Chatty Crone said...

Well then Mad King Ludwig is someone I love. lol Love the balls but don't have one and love Christmas Ornaments!

photowannabe said...

Love the way the light reflects off the balls. We don't have any but I do think they are pretty.

HappyK said...

No, we don't have one and I haven't seen any around here.

Shug said...

I do not have one, but they are truly beautiful...every time I look at them, I say, "I want one" but I just never bite the bullet and purchase one. Thank you for the education on these beaties.

Red Rose Alley said...

I don't have one of these balls in my yard, but I would love to. That first one is cool, and I like the Bohemian looking ones too. They do look like big Christmas ornaments, don't they? Interesting to read about them.


DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for this fascinating history Ginny. I have seen gazing balls in all the gardens we have been to. I don't have any but I enjoy seeing them, especially with the various designs they have.

Rose said...

No, I have never wanted one...but I might have that dragonfly one if I could!

CheerfulMonk said...

We have a gazing ball up on the land. I haven’t looked for it recently.

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...