Sunday, September 29, 2024

When Life Gives You Storms...

 A lot of our city was flooded, but not really badly. The parking lot at The Dollar General has a big dip in it, and gets a huge deep puddle when it rains. 

Driving in, we saw that a father and his little girl had put on rain boots and were splashing in the large puddle!

What a wonderful thing this Dad did for his little girl! She was just having a blast! Kicking and splashing.

Then another smaller girl joined them, I think she was the little sister. Sorry about the blurry shots.

The rain boots were of no use, as they sat, laid, and even tried to swim in the water! Of course they screamed when they had to leave and get in the car.


— Michael K. Williams


Ann said...

That's a good dad letting the girls have fun. This reminds me of when our back yard would flood every time we got a lot of rain. There would be a a mini river running through the back yard. The kids would go out and run through it splashing and having a great time.

Mari said...

I'm glad you captured that! That Dad is making good memories.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - this post gave me goosebumps. How well it shows the quote. We all need to dance more in the rain!

DawnTreader said...

Great photos, and sometimes one does wish one could keep more of that attitude to life... ;-)

Sue said...

Your photos captured some precious moments in this father and child's life, thank you for sharing.

Shug said...

Was sure hoping you all did not have a lot of damage. So sad to see the damage in NC. This dad was making the most precious memories for his little girl. Nothing like playing in a water Puddle (this was more than a puddle though) as a kid.

photowannabe said...

Wow Ginny, that quote at the end of your post is so profound.
Mighty words as to childhood perceptions vs. Adulthood.
Lets keep childhood going!!!

Red Rose Alley said...

What fun the children are having in the water. Wow, that is a lot of water from the floods! What a special dad to let them play like that in the puddle. Looks like they are having a blast!


**about the picture of me and the kids wearing all denim.....their school had a harvest day in Fall, and the theme to wear was denim. I remember it being a fun day for them. : )

HappyK said...

I'm sure the girls will always remember that fun time.

Rose said...

That quote is so perfect...Lorelei's mom always viewed a puddle as an opportunity.

Jeanette said...

That is something they will remember forever!

Lowcarb team member said...

Aww so good to see kids enjoying splashing around.

All the best Jan

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good to read, Ginny, that you were spared Helene's wrath. Those young girls were certainly having a lot of fun in that giant puddle!

DeniseinVA said...

That is so cute! Great daddy and loved the quote.

Ida said...

How cute. Must be quite a dip to fill up with that much water.

Danielle said...

Those kids look like they're having fun, but I can't help wondering if mom was upset when they came home. Lol it would have been no big deal to me, just a nice bath was in order, but some people get more upset at those things.

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