Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gone Far Away

They say you can't go home again, but I have found that indeed you can. During my virus, the doctor has put me on steroids in big doses. I have had them before and they are an amazing thing. They take over your body, and all the pain goes away. Pain from any and everything. You see, I have almost constant pain from something most of the time. I need knee surgery, my rotator cuff has a complete tear through it, I have a curved spine, but I won't bore you with all that. I am very blessed to be up and around, there are so many much worse than me!! But I have a vacation from pain now. You don't really sleep on steroids, and I have been up for over two days now, wired with a ton of energy and not going to bed. I don't mind not sleeping if I'm in no pain, I can get lots done that I wouldn't be able to otherwise. I have the metabolism of a mouse now, running around, eating all the time, not sleeping. Once in a while, if you've been sick and the doctor prescribes them, they are a wonderful escape from reality. But they are extremly dangerous to take all the time, and in the end can destroy your body in many aspects. And when I come off them, I will crash hard and turn into a very old lady indeed. Phil and I have never gone on a vacation in over 40 years of marriage, but I've gone far, far away now. No, we can't go back home, but I've gone back to the actual person I used to be at twenty five years old. You'll hear back from the real me in about ten days, not a bad old lady, just a bit slower, with a grimace on her face now and then, but with a fresher memory of what it was like to be young and vibrant. It's nice to have a vacation in the fall.

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:30,31


pam said...

I LOVE Prednisone. I grew up with it...and have a running presciption for my asthma. I haven't had to use it for a long time though so I kind of forgot it would make all sorts of things not hurt. Glad you have a temporary respite. It is a challenge when the body starts aging. We just worked out in the yard today and after wrestling our dog to get her nails trimmed the other day I'm feeling MUCH older than I think I should feel.

S. Etole said...

Oh, Ginny ... I hope for relief from the pain for you on a more permanent basis without the prednisone.

Karin said...

Ouch - I'm hearing this with mixed emotions! Happy you have great pain relief; but sad for the upcoming crash. I've never been on Prednisone and should probably be glad that my pain is tolerable with Ibuprofen. What breaks my heart is hearing so many young, young women complain of chronic pain; some suffering from various illnesses or syndromes. Can't imagine how they are going to feel as they age. At least I had no pain and loads of energy until menopause hit 10 years ago - sure grateful for that!

Praying for much improved health for you Ginny!

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm glad you have relief from pain but I pray you won't have to take this stuff long and you'll be healed!

Arti said...

I am so sacred of those medicines... Mostly I prefer ayurvedic medicines!!
Have a blessed week and regain your full health once again soon:)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I have heard of Prednisone --but didn't know it was a steroid... That little pill that George is taking is something different--but as I told you, he only takes one--for about a month total... It is helping the pain in his leg though...

I don't know what to think about you taking THAT many pills at a time.. You may feel great now--but are they good for you?? It's too bad that you can't find something that can relieve the pain somewhat without hurting your body in other ways. I couldn't stand it if I couldn't sleep... That can't be good either. Sounds like scary medication to me....

Bless your heart... I'm just so sorry that you have had so much pain through the years... That's just so sad... Keeping you in my prayers (as I always do)...

Love you,

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm glad you got a vacation from the pain Ginny but the crash part doesn't sound good at all. I have heard of this steroid, and it is very dangerous, but have never known anyone who used it. Just take care of yourself and get better.

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, take care.. we really need painkillers at times.. but if we can refrain, it is good too..

Anonymous said...

Thankful that you have relief from the pain for a while Ginny. I just pray that you can find long-term relief later. I hope you and Phil will have an especially lovely Sunday.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow, I'd probably agree with Arti- natural if least I try to move in that direction but wouldn't mind taking a trip with you
(ha ha)'ve raised some interesting thoughts- for a dilemma many face and it doesn't have to be age- just pain right?! I know a lady who's been a customer of my husband's before I met him..she fell through the fiberglass roofing of her 2 story house (locked herself out after partying one night) attempting to climb in the window..well she broke her back but can still walk- with a rod, a cane- in constant pain! Well, I have my own and have been watching myself lately (part of the journey) - I mean I don't want to find myself complaining..yet you can become consumed huh? Well, my prayers will be for you to come off easy and handle (you have quite a few issues). We'll be going home soon one day! Glad your getting some sweet relief (lol) Hugs:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the real you and the REAL you ha ha
LOVE LOVE LOVE the header, awesome shot.
so glad you have a few days free from pain, only people who have chronic pain can really relate to a vacation from pain. I am so happy your are a MOUSE once more. I used to be that way even at 40, now in mid 60's mouse no more.

From the Kitchen said...

I see you've already had plenty of loving advice this morning so I'm going to concentrate on the gorgeous butterfly. It's a reminder that summer has past but will come again.

Have a lovely Sunday.


srp said...

Such a two-edged sword. I have a friend who has MS and is fortunate to have been in remission for long periods of time. In an episode once, she had to have IV prednisone in high doses and I saw her out in her yard, in her robe, raking leaves and it was windy and cold. She had too much energy for her own good... but it worked wonders in sending that MS back to sleep.

On the other hand, my mom has had it in shots in her joints for pain. I always dread that. It takes several weeks to get her glucose back under control and messes up weeks of work on her diabetes.

So, a two-edged sword.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Take care Ginny.Those pills sound scary,but if they alleviate the pain that is a good thing.
I love that verse,one I play in my mind often,especially these days.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings on this. It's good to know that you don't know any pain now but once the steroids wear off... I've had my share of pain but reading about yours makes me feel I shouldn't be complaining. I hope you get relief from other sources later. Wish you the best!

RoeH said...

Been wondering about you. Keep up getting better. Pain stinks! Big time.

Jeanne said...

I've had to take Prednisone for back pain a few times and it did help a lot. The main side effect I had was just being SO VERY HUNGRY!
Hope it does everything it's suppose to do for you.

Kerrie said...

Yes, Steroids are great used for medical purposes in small doses. They are prescribed for my hubby for his Multiple Myeloma but he does not like them at all. They make him mean and the doc says that is definitely a side effect. They also gave him nightmares. The doc said in the old days that steroids were the ONLY treatment for MM. So anyhow, I am glad your prescribed dose of Prednisone does not have any those side effects and is giving you some relief for your symptoms. I love Isaiah 40:31! God Bless and have a wonderful Sunday! hugs, K

George said...

I have to agree with those who said the prednisone sounds scary. My doctor has me on methylprenisoe for six weeks because of arthritis in my spine, but I only take one 4mg pill per day. It's done the job and I've been sleeping pretty good. I hope your medication cures your problem and that you don't 'crash' too hard when your prescription ends.

Stephanie V said...

Sometimes, we need the scary drugs to help us get better. I hope that you are mending and that the crash part isn't too awful.

Rose said...

sometimes we all need alittle help from meds. hope your time away is good. my trip was good but short. thanks for your sweet note re hospice. take care rose

Glenda said...

I don't like Prednisone! It makes me too hyper and jittery - but it does help with pain and heals inflammation. I hope you won't have to continue to take it.

Have a blessed week, Ginny!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Ginny I know how you feel in a way as I've taken a strong prescription NSAID for a knee injury and although not a steriod it made me feel 20 years younger! Sadly it was take off the market after it was found to cause heart disease.

Enjoy your pain free vacation but make sure to follow doctor's orders on taking the steriod!

PS: My Ireland posts are all in a Label under "Ireland" on my blog and I show a post each for Newgrange and the Giant's Causeway as well as mnay other places we visited. You ahve to kee p scrolling through all the Ireland posts to see them.

Hope said...

it is nice to feel whole again with out the pain.. but please do be careful.. as Predispose is so bad for ones heart..
God bless and keep you safe.

Velvet Over Steel said...

I didn't realize you were in constant pain! Sorry to hear that, but glad your doctor gave you the 'good stuff' & it helps!!!

Take care & keep us posted!
Blessings & Hugs,

Chatty Crone said...

First I love your flowers at top. Gorgeous.

Well it has all been said - I know you were in pain and now your out and then you will go back to it.

I guess enjoy the time now and when you come down - pray it won't be too bad.

I am so sorry you have to go thru things like this.


Joyful said...

Oh I have never heard of taking steroids for a virus. My mom was on Prednisone years ago and it never helped her one bit with pain so am glad to hear it helps you. Even a temporary respite is sure helpful when you are in great pain. I hope you go off them wisely. I remember mom took herself off cold turkey and without doctors knowledge. I guess you are not supposed to do this and she suffered for it. Now she would be afraid to take it again.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...