Wednesday, November 24, 2010

His Love Endures Forever

Happy Thanksgiving to all my faithful followers, I am so thankful for all of you!! I went to the doctor today. I was diagnosed with a bad bacterial infection, and have been put on super strong anti-biotics. Hubby is ill, too. So we have had to cancel all our Thanksgiving plans. Our son will be dropping off some plates of homemade Thanksgiving dinner, so we will be well fed and I won't have to cook. I am praising God and feeling very blessed right now because I was able to get an appointment with a good doctor right before the holiday. God knew my need and provided! I should be feeling better in no time! So here I give you two sets of pictures. The first is our granddaughter on Thanksgiving a couple of years ago. She decided to get inside the turkey roasting pan and use it for a boat. As you can see, this tickled her to no end!! The second set of pictures is from just a few days ago. Ella had her toy pot and vegetables, and decided to roast ME for Thanksgiving. She covered me with the vegatables, and put a lid on me to simmer, then laughed uproariously!! And really, is there anything sweeter or more delicious than little girls?

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.

It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100


SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, I'm sorry to hear you and Phil are both ill. Take you antibiotics and get well soon.

Anne Marie and Ella are both so cute, I always love to see their smiles.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So very sorry to hear you and Phil are sick. Thanks for sharing these adorable photos of your granddaughters. Hope the medicine works quickly and that you feel better soon.

Hope said...

I pray you both start to feel better very soon.. have a blessed Thanksgiving..

Frugal Family said...
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Our Journey said...

We're going to miss you all this Thanksgiving!! We're sooooooo sad you're not feeling well. Here's hoping you feel well soon & we can have a "special Thanksgiving" another day very soon. We'll see you soon today w/ plates of yummy food (and anything else you need... let us know!!) Lot's of love - Mike & Melissa & Anne Marie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

truly a precious turkey in that pan and the smiles on your two girls faces are enough to be thankful for if you had nothing else. Hope you feel better today and i pray those meds will attack that bacteria under God' direction and put you back to right ASAP. happy thanksgiving

Fred Alton said...

What an uproariously funny grand-daughter! She is an absolutely beautiful child with a great sense of largesse. So giving of herself, by getting into the roasting pan for you! We who have children and grand-children with happy attitudes do have much to thank God for.

Melanie said...

Dear Ginny~
So sorry you and your husband are sick! I'll be praying for you.
Those are such cute pictures!
Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

Betsy Banks Adams said...

My prayers are for your good health, Ginny, and Phil's also. I know this Thanksgiving won't be one you'll want to repeat --but I'm glad your son is bringing a Thanksgiving Dinner to you today.

God Bless BOTH of you... Take care and feel better soon.

Mary Bergfeld said...

She is a doll, Ginny. I'm sorry to hear you are both ill, but how nice to have family near by to assist. I hope you have a nice, if different, holiday. Hugs and blessings...Mary

P.S. The potatoes are called Japanese because they are made with a buttery soy sauce and the recipe was developed by a Japanese blogger.

Karin said...

Just to be still and know that HE is God and that His love endures forever will take up all your time today! May the Lord return you to good health quickly. Your grandangels are adorable. So glad your family is there to provide food and care. Blessings on your whole family today and always.

D said...

Ginny, feel better. I know your day will be blessed. Happy Thanksgiving.

What Karen Sees said...

The laughter and imaginations of children top my list of blessings to be grateful for. What fun photos and memories you have! I hope you both are feeling much better soon Ginny!

Stephanie V said...

Sorry to hear that you're both sick, Ginny. Enjoy your take-out Thanksgiving dinners!
We've been 'dressed' in kids' toys, too but never anything like being a pot of veg. Lovely pics.

Nature Rambles said...

Ginny, so sorry to know that you and Phil aren't well. Get well soon! Thank you for sharing these wonderful images! What fun the little girls must have had! The pictures say it all! made me adorable!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I'm so sorry you are not well for Thanksgiving. I'm glad that you will at least get some good food and you won't have to worry about cooking or entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I will pray for your complete healing! I am glad your family is with you and is of help. Have a great thankful Thanksgiving. Enjoy as you recover. God Bless!

Neal said...

Happy Thanksgiving .... get well soon. It's funny how all the toys are bought for kids and then they play with the simple things.

srp said...

What a wonderful gift... girls with imagination. Hope you are feeling better soon. We went out for our dinner... true, no leftovers... but the "NO CLEANUP" makes that fine.

photowannabe said...

Sorry to hear you are ill but God is so good and it sounds like you are being taken care of. Love the pictures of your Granddaughter and her giggles. Ella sure has an imagination. Darling photos of you being "roasted".

Kerrie said...

So So sorry that you are not feeling well!! Thank heaven's for children and grandchildren! I hope you and your hubby will feel better ASAP! Sending prayers and blessings your way with a big Thanksgiving smile!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

HI Ginny, rats...I don't like to hear that you're not feeling well. Praying you recover very quickly and your husband too. Love that little granddgt.She's adorable. Have a great thanksgiving.

Doris Sturm said...

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Ginny, but at least you had a good meal delivered to you - that's not bad because doing dishes is never fun...looks like you had some silly moments with your little grand daughter...

God bless you and I will pray for your speedy recovery,


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving, despite the infection!

Bobbie said...

What little angels!!! You are certainly blessed with two beauties. I love to hear children laughing... it's great. Sorry you were sick on Thanksgiving day Ginny, and your husband too... hope and pray the meds will work quickly. May God heal you both and bring you back to good health. Praying for you...

S. Etole said...

Praying for a speedy recovery for you and your husband. And thankful for meeting you here.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I do hope and pray that you will be feeling much better soon.
Looking at those last pictures,I have to wonder who had more fun,you or Ella.Very precious.

ruthi said...

indeed God is good and we should be thankful. I had my doctor's appointment too day before thanksgiving day so I am just happy that i have my issues taken care of. hope you feel better soon.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm so sorry you are both so sick - how miserable - pray you are better soon...

And it's so awesome to be with little girls. I got to enjoy my three nieces yesterday. It was wonderful to hear them laugh and chat!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Grand daughter is having fun because granny is sporting and let her stick veges on her. A modified christmas tree?

DawnTreader said...

I bet those girls have a lot of fun with you because you play along with them. Ella has great taste too - that lid matches the colour of you top :)

Chatty Crone said...

Your granddaughter is ADORABLE! I'm glad you got in to the doctor - how are you feeling now?

Hope you had a great turkey day.



 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...