Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blowing His Nose

Phil has been a song leader in church, is in the choir, and plays accordian and piano. I tell you all this not to brag, but to introduce you to the newest instrument he has mastered, and here it is. The nose flute!! And I bet you thought this post was going to be about a sinus infection or a cold! I have posted on the nose flute a long time ago, but I think it's hilarious, so I will milk it for all the laughs I can get. As you can see, this is a real instrument, and he keeps a stash of them to hand out to wary visitors. It is placed over your nose and mouth, you close up the back of your mouth and blow only through your nose. It's played with your nose breath. It's very tricky to play and took him a lot of practice to get right, now he can play everything from rock to hymns. He played it once at a church wedding. If you don't believe me, here is the picture. The guests in the fellowship hall made a wide circle around him, not knowing what to expect. He played "Here Comes The Bride". The marriage broke up just a few months later. God actually breathed his own breath into Adam's nostrils, thus making us in his image. This does not mean that we look like him, but we have a bit of God's spirit in us. We enjoy creating, we enjoy beauty, these are things that come from God. Who knows where the nose flute comes from!

"God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive-a living soul!" Genesis 2:7 The Message


LC said...

Your Phil has to have a sense of humor along with his musical talents. Priceless!

srp said...

OK, so you learn something every day. Never heard of a nose flute before... have to have good lung power I presume!

From the Kitchen said...

Wait, back up to "they broke up a few months later" and explain. Was it because of Phil's nose harp performance? I'm quite intrigued and would like a lesson (hidden away from the general population) from Phil when I am next your way.


Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh my stars!.... I might have just seen "everything!!" ;o) Cool!

Karin said...

Multi-talented musician! I've seen folks play a recorder using just their nostril. They still select the notes by covering the various holes. Used to play one when I was young. Where are the notes selected on this nose flute though? Mom and I used to hum songs and twang our nostrils to make fun music!

You two are a lot of fun!! Sorry to hear of that couple's marriage break-up - I know Phil had nothing to do with it!

Reanaclaire said...

Phil is really funny...i am sure everyone loves to have him around.. sorry to hear that the marriage broke up several months later? how come it is so?

Annie Jeffries said...

Okay. I find it really weird that you say he played the nose flute at a wedding and then the marriage broke up a few months later. I'm thinking you are making a joke, yes???

Aside from that - this is soooo funny. If I still worked in the music department (thank you God that I don't) I would send this to all the faculty. They might consider this a good instrument for exercising one's lung capacity, especially the vocalists.

Regina said...

Even though its way different..this reminds me of one of those juice harps.. I bet its amusing, maybe that's why? How talented he must be!!
Well that marriage broke up quickly didn't it?! They probably won't forget Phil playing while they're alone in the dark.. separated (lol)

SquirrelQueen said...

Phil is indeed a man of many talents, what a fun one to add to the list. It must be really funny when Phil hands them out to watch other folks try and play this instrument.

Ann said...

I seriously did think that had to have something to do with a sinus condition when I first saw it.
Phil is just full of talent isn't he? Now I wonder what this nose flute sounds like. Does it sound like a flute or maybe more like a kazoo?

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I've never heard of a nose flute before. It's amazing. It must have needed a lot of effort on Phil's part to master this instrument!

Neal said...

Never heard of such a thing. I envy Phil's musical talent. I love music but don't have any talent in that area.

Ruth Hiebert said...

So I just learned something new.I had never heard of a nose flute.It must be hilarious to watch it being played.I can only think that it might not be a good instrument to play when one has a runny nose.I'm envisioning this ,yikes!.
Thanks for sharing this ,I found it both interesting and funny.

RoeH said...

Oh for pete's sake! I am so linking your post to my daughter in DC who is a music therapist. And right now. :))

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i bet kids love this, your two sweet girls in fact. I once bought oneof the plants in your header, the name escapes me, but it was beautiful and it only lived about a month.

Stephanie V said...

Phil sounds like a dream grampa...such a love for play. Well, you both have that! But I wonder what effect the nose-flute had on that marriage?

Arti said...

Its the first time I am seeing this instrument... Is it a local instrument? Looks very difficult to play...
Wonderful quote.
Have a nice day:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, This post really made me smile! Have a super Sunday!

shabby girl said...

Yes, I was worried at the beginning of the post! Ha! I thought it was going to be some medical device.

Remington said...

What a happy post! Thank you for the smile!

Chatty Crone said...

I thought Phil was sick!

I have NEVER heard of a nose flute - and if I didn't see it I might not have believed it.

How cool is that?



S. Etole said...

It's always good to learn something new.

George said...

I assume Phil's choice of musical instrument had nothing to do with the marriage breaking up! Is there no end to his talents?

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, I could NEVER do it. It is hilarious to see the picture and think about it. Reminds me too - of Aaron Wilburn's song to his girlfriend that said, "If my nose was running money, I'd buy you a diamond ring..."...and closes with, "If my nose was running money - but it's not!" I fear that my nose would become a basketball nose. You know. It dribbles all over the place! Great humor today. Thanks for the laughs.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how hilarious!!! I've never heard of such a thing... I have too many nasal drips to ever get that to work... My nose flute would make gurgle sounds.... HA HA HA

The next time we see you two, Phil just has to show off his amazing talents with us.... He should go on TV with that....


Mary Bergfeld said...

I think I've died and gone to heaven :-). I really have seen everything now and I think it is hilarious. Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What an unusual instrument! I would venture to say that it can't be played if one has a!

Melanie said...

Hi, Ginny,
I have never heard of a nose flute before...very interesting!!
Have a great week.♥

Kerrie said...

Ginny, this was priceless! I got a good laugh and a blessing!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Is this a new instrument? I once posted a flute which a native woman in Borneo was playing with a nose flute.

Phil can visit Borneo and do a duet with her.

ruthi said...

This is awesome. I want to learn how to play an instrument but I have problem with reading notes. But then I don't know if I have the skill. Looks like it's hard to learn.

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