Saturday, January 8, 2011

Through The Trees, Part 1

I must be careful lest I sneeze
Don't want the camera shaking please
I hold my camera and my breath
As the sun has it's daily death
P.S. I got quite a few questions about the tiny lady apples in my last post so here is what I know. Yes, they are meant to eat. But they are extremely hard. Phil ate one and found it too tart and not one of the better apples he has eaten. I have read that they are good for eating raw, but not for cooking with.


Regina said...

Those two photos are beautiful- especially enlarged! Something about the sun shining through the trees..
I would of thought the opposite about those apples. Ginny, I've been terrible- turning my fruit into sweet deserts lately:)

SquirrelQueen said...

Great capture of the sunset through the trees Ginny, your photos are beautiful.

I too would have thought just the opposite on those apples. Did you and Phil ever try the Honey Crisp apple?

DawnTreader said...

The third photo is my favourite, I love the curves of the tree trunks in that one.

Anonymous said...

Pretty photos Ginny. Hope you two have a great day.

Neal said...

Those are neat pictures. I've always like silhouette pictures.

The flowers on my blog were all within walking distance of our motel.

Ann said...

Gorgeous photos and the poem to go with it is darling.

LC said...

Your photos of "letting the light shine through" are a beautiful wake-up present for my first morning home in several days!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

strange little apples, thanks for the info. isn't it amazing what our camera sees when we aim it into the sun? i like the web like effect in your header. i try it a lot just to see what it will do. these are great.

Karin said...

Either coming or going the sun looks amazing - thank you Lord! Loved your beautiful photos of its move beyond the horizon, beyond our sight, to shine on the other side of the world - no favorites, right! Up here she let the snow clouds have their way and dump a blizzard on us, but she'll be back to melt this stuff! Have a blessed day!

Bobbie said...

Beautiful pictures... and cute poem!

From the Kitchen said...

The sun going down among those lacy twiggy trees reminds me of home! I love the photos.


Arti said...

As usual a beautiful post, you capture so many lovely moments, and show us, its such a joy!!
Have a nice day:)

Reanaclaire said...

This post is in theme with your blog..Let your light shine!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ginny,these pictures are spectacular.I love the sunburst.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Those pictures of the sunlight through the branches are especially pretty. Thanks for telling more about those tiny apples. Have a great day today!

S. Etole said...

I liked your little poem ... and the history of the apples.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous pictures of the sun setting through the trees, Ginny. The colors are marvelous... Thanks for sharing.

It was 5 degrees here this morning and we have 2 inches of snow still on the ground. AND--there's more coming tonight/tomorrow... Whew!


Chatty Crone said...

I somehow look at it and feel God's warmth on me wherever I am. And it feels good. sandie

Mary Bergfeld said...

What gorgeous photos, Ginny. Kudos. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

The warmth is wonderful in those photos! The days are geting longer...minute by minute.

So those apples are better raw? I would have thought cooked would be better. They sounded sort of like a crab apple.

Tracy said...

I like all of the photos but especially the first; I just am amazed by God's Artwork!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset photos!
I'm sure glad you didn't sneeze :-)

God bless you Ginny and have a great week


Remington said...

Awesome pics! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I love lady apples, although I agree thayt they are a little tart! I think if they were hard to bite, they weren't ripe enough. I don't guess you would want to cook with they because they are so little it would take forever to core enough for a pie!

Annie Jeffries said...

Love your little poetic ditty. Too true about the shaking. Sometimes I just want to go back to my old 35 mm.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my thoughts Ginny. Beautiful pictures of the setting sun! And thanks for the update on the apples.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I saw these and thought "good morning!" guess it was "good night!!" Lovely!

Lisa said...

Stunning, Just stunning

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