Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Wait

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." Joseph Campbell

Last fall, my friend called and informed me that there was a patch of moonflowers in front of the barber shop a few blocks from me. I grabbed my camera and ran. There was, indeed, a beautiful patch. Problem was that it was not quite sunset yet, and they don't bloom till the sun goes down. I decided to sit in the car and wait...and wait...and wait. Daughter-in-law called on my cell phone and asked what I was doing. I told her I was sitting in front of a closed barber shop waiting for moonflowers to bloom. She thinks I'm crazy. At last the sun went down and they bloomed!! And you know what? I think they were much prettier folded up! The waiting is the hardest part.

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more then watchmen wait for the morning."

Psalm 130:5,6


Anonymous said...

I love to watch the moon flowers unfold and catch their sweet fragrance in the breeze. Beautiful verse tonight

Annie Jeffries said...

Wonderful, Ginny. Your photos are superb and tell a great story of the rewards of patience.

The Joseph Campbell quote is a favorite of mine, too.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Are they also called Angel's trumpet?

We go to the beach all the time, I just went. No, he is not doing a project. Well, sometimes he goes to check up a project he had done. Some times he just wants to go. I learn to keep quiet and the the peace.

Sometimes, we just walk on the water. Today, we walked in the mud. I met an old man who told me the history of the place. He had an interesting beard, I mean he had it tied up in a little braid. I almost asked if I could take his photo. But I didn't dare to.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Well, I believe that's a very hard concept for most to wrap their mind around! Its like a process of disappointment (lol)..one must resign themselves to it as it outweighs anything we could plan anyway and that's where it starts.
I would of done the same I'm sure..must of been quite a wait- how else would you of known? They look pretty with bee..nice reflections and I like that verse-

SquirrelQueen said...

It's amazing what we will do for a photo sometimes, we aren't crazy just obsessed! LOL!

The blooms are so pretty, my favorite is the one in your header.

Anonymous said...

Worth the wait, though!:)Your header photo is very beautiful and I love the bee shots too! The fragrance must have been wonderful! What crazy things we bloggers tend to do...only we understand!!!

Neal said...

I've never seen those. They are really interesting when folded up. They look a lot like morning glories when they've unfolded.

Bobbie said...

What a beautiful post Ginny! And I learned something about moon flowers.

Arti said...

Everything about this post is so beautiful, the photos, the flowers, the quote..
I have never seen or heard of this flower, though we have one in India that blooms at night. But this looks different to me.
I am glad you waited that long so you could share these wonderful beauties of nature with us. Crazy? I find it Inspiring!
Have a Great day:-)

RoeH said...

They are pretty neat. I don't think I've ever heard of them but that may be because I'm not totally up in knowledge about plant life. I like it all. I just don't know what a lot of it is.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OK, you found one more thing different in our sister act. i would not have waited. waiting is my nemesis, i can hardly stand to wait for anything, including waiting for time to go to appts, or any where. i like the closed ones best, just like you sister. the header one especially. did not know about moon flowers. i have seen them but did not know what they were or that they only bloom at night. great post. I am WAITING for your next one. ha ha

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think they are very pretty,folded up,but also pretty when opened.I smiled,about what your daughter-in-law thinks.Many people think that of me,and maybe they're right,but at least I'm having fun.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Those flowers are amazing...it is worth the wait:D

Karin said...

Love this progression showing the stages of opening of this fascinating flower. What I love best is the purity - the dazzling white - once it truly blooms in all its glory!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are just wonderful, Ginny. I am a huge fan of Joseph Campbell and loved that quote. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Fred Alton said...

Yes, Ginny, waiting is the hardest part. I'm in a hospital room with Frances now, waiting for the effects of "cardiac ablation" to wear off so that we can go home. Should be through here in about four hours. But the prize is worth the wait!!!

Stephanie V said...

You do suffer for your art...how wonderful that you sat and waited. Moonflowers are gorgeous and we've enjoyed them in the summer. Never at this time of year. I think I agree with you that they are prettiest folded - but the scent only comes when they open. Two kinds of beauty to enjoy.

Kerrie said...

Good morning! That is a beautiful post! I love the Bible verses you choose, they give a real punch in just one sentence! Gourd plants also bloom at night and we had a plant that grew huge, trailed the fence where we lived 5 yrs ago and the leaves were huge. At night the beautiful blossoms came out and looked like jewels in the dark... You have the patience of Job to wait like that! hugs

Doris Sturm said...

Sometimes anticipation is better than the actual gift...or event....

From the Kitchen said...

I love the one in the header! I would have probably fallen asleep in the car and got no photo at all.


Ann said...

don't feel bad, my family thinks I'm crazy too. It's ok though because it my craziness that keeps me happy :P
I like the moon flowers and I think they look gorgeous when they are all closed up

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Moonflowers are unique and lovely. Glad you took those pictures. I noticed the Honeybee. I have only seen one solitary Honeybee here in Cumberland County, TN where I live, in the 18 months I have been here. Have an especially nice day today - it snowed a bit here!

George said...

I'm not sure I would have the patience to wait for the blossoms to open, but I'm glad you did. Your first two photos are especially wonderful.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I don't think you were crazy! I think that the pictures were worth the wait. Besides how many other folks do you know that can say they did that?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow Ginny.... I admire your patience... NOW---get some of those and put them in YOUR yard... Next year, you won't have to drive somewhere and wait.

Beautiful Moonflowers ----and "I" am glad you waited to get these photos.

Tracy said...

Ahhh, Ginny...waiting is so hard and doesn't it seem like we spend so much time 'waiting'? ...waiting for work to be over, waiting for the weekend, waiting for Dr's...I try to make the best of 'wait' time, as it sounds like you did as well.
I would have waited for the moonflowers as well; they are gorgeous! I love morning glories too which resemble moonflowers...
thanks for the 'eye candy'


S. Etole said...

These are truly incredible shots ...

Velvet Over Steel said...

Well I don't think you're crazy at all. Just appreciative of opportunities!! :-)

Very pretty flower, but I liked them even more folded up too!

Thanks for sharing, Ginny!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I don't think I've ever seen a moon flower before! I loved your photos of it and the wonderful story to go along with it. yes, sometimes the wait is better than the final result! :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

They look like our morning glory flowers here... those buds are gorgeous - and love the little bee on them!!

DawnTreader said...

You have flowers blooming? Oh it seems so far away here at the moment...

Chatty Crone said...

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." Joseph Campbell

I love that and so true.

Sometimes we want something so bad and the truth is God has something even better planned.


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