Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In The Garden

After we were done coop snooping, we were about to head home when the GPS suddenly announced that there was an Olive Garden a mere 15 minutes away. It then announced that it would not take us home until we ate there, because we needed the nourishment for the trip. Since neither one of us have any sense of direction, we were literally held captive as said GPS piloted the car there, sat us down, and forced us to order two delicious meals plus dessert. What did I ever do without it? These wineglass stems fascinated me. Those are not bubbles in them, they are the reflections of the strings of tiny lights strung from the ceiling above. I took a picture of the whole scene, but lost it. Did you know that the word Gethsemane means olive vat, or olive press? The Garden Of Gethsemane was a garden called the Mount Of Olives, and probably was full of olive trees. Some people say there were two gardens of note in the bible, but I think there are three. The garden Of Eden, The Garden Of Gethsemane, where Jesus was taken prisoner, and the garden where Jesus tomb was. Three Gardens, each a major turning point with God. Amazing things happen in Gardens.

"At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there." John 19:41,42

"They have taken my Lord away," she said "and I don't know where they have put him." At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. "Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking it was the gardner, she said "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." Jesus said to her, "Mary." John 20:13,16


Annie Jeffries said...

From great humor to profound thought do little olive trees grow.

SquirrelQueen said...

Held hostage by your GPS, I almost fell off my chair. I love the photos of the glasses with the lights sparking on them, beautiful.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Every time I have visitors and use my wine glasses, one always breaks.

Next time, I will post the story of the olive grove here in Auckland. They don't produce any olive, and there is a sad story.

You know it first. Many years ago, a man brought some greek workers to plant some olive trees. Apparently, he ran out of money and didn't pay the workers. The workers put a curse on the trees. Even though he paid them later, the trees still remained cursed.

Nature Rambles said...

Still laughing...! A GPS that takes care of nutrition too!! Oh my...your sense of humor! But the food looked most delicious and I loved the photos of the wine glasses.

MaryMoh said...

Beautiful pictures and love the Bible verses. Your GPS is so cute, will direct you to restaurants :D At least you had a lovely meal. Mine is not so high tech yet :( Yes, gardens speaks a lot of things to life....all the weeding, sowing and reaping. On top of that, it also speaks of temptation and making the right choice as in the Garden of Eden.

Melanie said...

Hi, Ginny~
That's my kind of GPS...having to go to Olive Garden (my favorite restaurant) before I go home!! :)
I didn't know what Gethsemane meant, but now I do!
I'm so glad Jesus isn't in that tomb anymore!!!♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what brand gps do you have, I WANT ONE... something that MAKES me eat.. ha ha as though i need that. the photos are really good and i like the sparkling glasses. the food i want to know What it is. what is the dessert? it looks really good to me, all of it. I like SQ comment Held Hostage by your GPS , still laughing with her and you. great post ginny girl

LC said...

Your GPS evidently has bonded with its owners . . . It loves OG and I do too! Great pix and garden thoughts and Scripture. Gardens are on my mind today. I woke up determined to be outside -- if rain holds off; then I saw Sandra's garden pix, and now your "Garden" pix and verse. Seems I pretty much have my marching orders to go play in the dirt!

From the Kitchen said...

Sorry, laughing too hard to comment! Send make and model of your GPS immediately. Also specify what that dessert (well, three desserts really but I suppose your GPS made you have them as well) is. Still laughing here!


Chatty Crone said...

Your GPS made you do it - never heard that as an excuse before - good one. sandie

pam said...

I love light and glass...we should be like the glass reflecting the Light that shines so freely on us. The trio of desserts looks like pure comfort food.

shabby girl said...

Beautiful shots of the wine glasses! Especially love the one in your header!
Great post too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post, Ginny.... I love your GPS.... Hope you brought a few bites of your dinner out to the car to feed HER..... ha ha

I love Olive Garden also... The salad and bread sticks are my fav....

Stephanie V said...

Oh, you are too funny. Reminded me of some friends who were trying to cross a new (to GPS) bridge and it was quite hysterically saying they should TURN BACK!!

Nice reflection shots of the wine glasses.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This is a bad post be looking at before lunch,especially when my lunch options certainly don't match those of the Olive Garden. The pictures are fantastic,but the way you link this to the Biblical Gardens is great.Thanks.Now I need to think of what i will have for lunch.

George said...

I'm going to have to upgrade our GPS to one like yours. I would love to be held hostage until we got to an Olive Garden.

Fred Alton said...

Now Ginny, I've heard lots of excuses but this has to be at the top!!! The GPS is a wonderful (full of wonder) thing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Your sense of humor is wonderful! I agree with your thought on gardens - especially Biblical ones.

Have a super day!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow..cheers to your new header! What a relief huh? That looks so yummy! I was treated to the Olive Garden on a trip to Arizona when my boys were living there..fabulous food! Yes, amazing things happen in gardens-
Had no idea the GPS had such amazing functions Ginny! (Grin)-enjoyed your photos..

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It looks like your GPS directed you to a delicious meal, Ginny! The desserts look so good!

Ann said...

Well just look at that great big beautiful banner you're sporting today :)
Held hostage by a GPS huh? I think I need to get one of those things. Maybe it will force me to go shop at the craft store once a week...lol

Remington said...

One of our favorite places to eat....I think I'll go and get a snack....

LV said...

I would have enjoyed dining out with you here. The Olive Garden is one of very favorite places. Really enjoyed your post on it.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Ginny your stories are getting even funnier!!! And the way you always bring in wonderful 'spiritual' lessons for us.. so love it!!!!!

Coreen xoxoxo
P.S. I want a GPS even more after this post, maybe because I'm hungry AND love Olive Garden!

Rose said...

alot of ingenuity in your post humour as well as serious thoughts. take care rose

Mary Bergfeld said...

I really would like your GPS. To think of all the wonderful meals I've missed because I don't have one. Astounding :-). Have agreat day. Blessings...Mary

Karin said...

Olive Garden - my favorite place to eat! My fav is the Zuppa Toscana and the endless salad. I have that nearly every time! Need to go again!

That is one amazing GPS - it seems to have incredible powers of persuasion. Love your photos of the food!

Love your Scripture verses choice. In The Garden is a favorite hymn around our nursing home!

Glenda said...

I love Olive Garden Restaurant - or I should say I love the food there! Those GPS's are quite demanding, aren't they!! :-)

I really enjoyed learning about the Garden of Gethsemane several years ago. The background information makes the story of Jesus praying there even more meaningful.

Great post, Ginny!

Mom Daughter Style said...

the food looks delicious. i've only been in olive garden once when we were in CA, it was great. I hope to go there again, we don't have Olive Garden here.

we don't use GPS, we can drive around the island for just 3-4 hrs.

S. Etole said...

Olive Gardens is one of my favorite places to eat but there are none close by.

Great thoughts that you have shared once again.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm so glad I don't have your GPS - I live too close to restaurants and if it made me stop at each one before I got home.... rutroh...

And yes! Amazing things do happen in gardens!! ;o)

Neal said...

LOL...you must have programmed that GPS.

Bobbie said...

I Love the Olive Garden! It's one of my favorite places to eat. It has become a tradition that we take my daughter there every year on her birthday.
Now, what I need to know is, where did you get your GPS? I want one that insists on taking me there as well. heehee.
I love this scripture! It gives me goosebumps ~ awesome!!

Kerrie said...

Great Post as ALWAYS!

ruthi said...

who doesn't love olive garden... and endless salad and garlic bread. wink* now, i'm hungry.

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