Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rhapsody In Blue

Here is another of my favorite Christmas trees from last month. It kept drawing me like a magnet, I was so fascinated with it. But I do think that the individual decorations on it were prettier than the sum of it's parts together. It was a blue tree that I rhapsodized over. Something else that I'm happy about are my New Year's resolutions, because I know I will be able to keep them this year. Here they are:

1. No Dusting Or Vacuming-Stirring up dust causes sneezing, bad for sinuses.
2. Eat Out More-Cooking at home causes weight gain because of frequent tasting for seasoning.
3. Watch More T.V.-Intellectual stimulation, keeping up with current events.
4. Sleep More-It helps you lose weight because you can't eat while asleep.
5. Talk On the Phone More-Again, good for losing weight, it's hard to eat while talking.
6. No Mopping Floors-This can actually kill you because you can slip and fall on the wet floor. The dirtier the floor, the better traction you have.
7. Eat More-Should I ever decide to exercise, my body will have the necessary fuel to burn.
8. Put My Feet Up More-Makes the blood drain to my head, helping me think better.
9. No Washing Windows-too much light coming in can give you a headache.
10. Lots More Shopping-Good exercise, plus figuring out coupons and sale percentages sharpens my math skills.
11. Snack More-Again, good exercise going to and from the kitchen.

Here is one of the apostle Paul's resolutions, a good one to add to our list as well:

"When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." 1 Cor.2


pam said...

That's a grand resolution list. I love the colors on that tree. I remember peacocks from my childhood at a local greenhouse. I always loved when I got to see them spread their feathers...

Mom Daughter Style said...

Great resolutions! Some of mine are opposite like eat out less I think we ate out too much last year.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Sounds like a bunch of excuses (ha ha)..all with a glorious background! Well you know that one about the snacks was in especially poor taste! (Lol) Hey, speaking of resolutions, I've decided its my dog that should go on a diet (be watching for an up-coming post- grin)
I see what you mean about the tree, but it is all the colors- cheers-

Dawning Inspiration said...

Now THERE's a resolution list for us all!!! ;o) Okay, at least for me!!! tee hee

SquirrelQueen said...

I see why this is one of your favorite trees Ginny, it is beautiful. I like how everything sparkles and shines.

Great resolutions, these are ones that most of us could actually keep. Too funny, thanks for the giggles.

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny oh Ginny, u are really funny!!! Eat more to lose fuel.. talk more on phone to refrain eating.. sleep more to avoid eating.. hahaha.. u r really funny but i agree with you 100%!!

Rachel Cotterill said...

Very cool resolutions :)

Anonymous said...

I could keep these resolutions too!

Fred Alton said...

I shall follow your good example! ☻

Melanie said...

What a great resolution list you have there, Ginny!!
I don't think any of us would have a hard time with that! LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree, the close ups of the ornaments, especially the header shot, are better than the whole view. it is pretty though. of course you know i agree 100 percent with all your resolutions and will do my best to keep them. my favoirte is the don't clean windows but the reason is not a headache but the fact the light makes the dust bunnies more visible, in fact they gleam.

From the Kitchen said...

I have forwarded your post to Martha Stewart. I feel certain that your resolutions will be a part of her January 2012 issue when it hits the newstands! Took me a while to pick my laughing self up off the floor to do this.

Oh, and love the photos of that blue/green tree.

To answer your question: January 12


Unknown said...

Breathtaking absolutely breathtaking! The tree is amazing.

Great resolutions! I think I'm changing mine but stealing yours, lol!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I wish you could see the smile on my face. I think we all could keep those resolutions were they ours :-). Have a wonderful day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

More bling and some great resolutions. e can all relate to those. And keep them.

RoeH said...

Great post and resolutions. I always have an idea but it never works. I ate a cupcake NY's day and that killed the first goal. :( But hey! It's fun trying.

LC said...

Loved the closeups, the resolutions laughs, and Paul's resolution. Look forward to catching up once i am back to blogging. May your new year be blessed, both in person and in the blogosphere!

George said...

I like your New Year Resolutions. I think I could keep them without any problems. I also like that blue Christmas tree.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What a list! You have such a unique and wonderful sense of humor! Your list just made me smile! Have a super day!

Karin said...

You are too funny! I've been putting up my feet more but it hasn't done anything for my thinking processes, LOL!! Have to work on #5 - neither of us like talking on the phone much. Fun post!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Now these are my kind of new year's resolutions.I think I will join you.Did you know that dirty windows act like a UV filter and dust on the furniture is actually a protective coating.HA! HA!
I like these thoughts.

srp said...

Very good resolutions there... I think I could keep these for sure!

sm said...

beautiful Christmas tree
happy new year

Betsy Banks Adams said...

GREAT bunch of resolutions, Ginny... Think I would go really well following that list!!!!! ha ha ha

Love your 'blue' tree --and its decorations... Gorgeous.

Remington said...

I like your list -- I think I'll do that!

Doris Sturm said...

That is fantabulous, Ginny!!!! Congratulations on making the very best New Year's Resolutions EVER ;-)

I think even I could stick to that resolution LOL

That blue tree is wonderful. I just love the fancy, sparkling clip-on birds; they remind me of my German Christmas Ornaments that we had... very beautiful!

Ann said...

You've got some great resolutions there, I may try a few of those myself. I might add that washing windows could get you in trouble with the animal rights people because clean windows are a hazard to the birds :)

Glenda said...

And you might add: Blog more! A person can't have too many friends!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful tree! I love your list!

Anonymous said...

Ginny...I never imagined your resolutions would be like these!! I LOVE your sense of humour!

The tree is very beautiful! Losing weight is something that's always in the back of my mind but exercise...? Still chuckling thinking about your list!!

Annie Jeffries said...

I love your list of resolution, Ginny. I resolve . . . to FULFILL every single one of them TOO.

Oh, and yes, I've read One Hundred Years of Solitude. Read it way back in the day. I think it might be due for a re-read.

DawnTreader said...

Well that sounds like a good comfortable list of resolutions. At least if you can get someone else to do the cleaning for you while you're dining out and enjoying the shopping!

Happy Moo Year

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