Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lost And Found

Well, we finally did it, we took the plunge!! We bought a GPS!! We got it about two weeks ago, after my daughter-in-law informed me there was a really nice one on sale. She sent me a link, and I was hooked. One of the best parts to me is the points of interest. You can find any kind of restaraunt by food type, museums, gas, parks, etc. So do you think we will NEVER get lost AGAIN?? Then you'd be WRONG!! Since we have had it, we've gotten lost twice, once in our own small city! Going to a friend's house that we've been to many times. How could this be? Well, since we were just driving nearby, we didn't think we needed it and I left it at home. Daughter-in-law informs me that we need to leave it in the car at all times! My best friend will never get lost because she has a map of the world on her jacket! See her holding it up in the last picture. I could probably use one of those. Just like a GPS doesn't work unless you have it with you, so the wonderful gift of Jesus does no good unless we actually accept it. His business is searching for the lost, and he will never steer us in the wrong direction.

"For the son of man came to seek to and save what was lost." Luke 19:10


S. Etole said...

It's hard to be truly lost when you the know the One who guides your way.

Regina said...

Snicker..what happened to that wild blue space background I saw just minutes ago?? That was pretty and certainly drove home the point! (Ha ha) well, I have to make some kind of land marks otherwise I'm in trouble. One time (of course not the first) I came out of the grocery store at was rainy to boot! I could not find my car..besides it looks or feels awfully embarrassing. anyway, I stared at a car that looked just like mine and though it looked very orange - I just walked towards it..and was relieved that it was my humble red car! The lights from the store made it appear a different shade! I'd been wandering around in the dark trying not to look lost for awhile there!

Annie Jeffries said...

Love this, Ginny. Yay for getting a GPS. I got Don one three years ago and he still prints out trip directions on Mapquest. Nevermind that Mapquest can be very misleading and GET YOU LOST. I wish he would use the GPS. So much easier. But no - it's a backup. Of course, I think he just has fun putting together trip binders and he's pretty much decided that that is as far as he will go into 20th century technology. Yes, 20C. In a perfect world, my man is a 19C man and 21C has not happened yet.

SquirrelQueen said...

Glad to hear you and Phil will, hopefully, never get lost on the streets again. GPS units are great, we have had the handheld models for years and my phone has one that I use sometimes. I like them for finding restaurants in larger cities that we don't know all that well.

Reanaclaire said...

wow... so nice!! i thought of getting one.. at least my son asked me to buy one..but hesitant.. cos i m familiar with my hometown.. only when i m out of town, i m blur.. hahaha...

Dawning Inspiration said...

A GPS can indeed be a wonderful thing - when it's charged and in the car before you decide to make a detour!! Yep - know from experience myself!!! ;o)

Melanie said...

I'm so happy for you, Ginny! They are nice to have.
We have one too. It's a Magellan, so we call it 'Maggie'.
If we're going somewhere unfamiliar, I ALWAYS take a map and print out instructions from Mapquest. Maggie has tried to take us some very weird and wrong ways!!
Great verse to go with your post!
I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend.♥

Anonymous said...

Good for you Ginny! Now if you don't leave it at home you needn't ask for directions in all the wrong (scary) places! Just remembered your post with the mannequins in lingerie and your descriptions there!:-)))

From the Kitchen said...

I have one additional suggestion--a compass on a nice chain to hang around your neck!!

Have a good weekend with Phil and the GPS!!


Karin said...

We've never been lost - we've always known where we are, lol, but couldn't find the house we were looking for! Just teasing you! I have a friend who gets lost going home as she gets turned around at a certain corner by a magnetic field. Happens every time she drives by there. Interesting phenomenon.

So glad that in the spiritual you are certainly not lost - praise God!

Congrats on your GPS - going places safely!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the jacket is pretty but would do me no good at all since seeing that fine print is not for these old eyes. that is a really fancy looking GPS, looks like a really nice one. i vote with DIL keep it in the car. OUT of sight from the window so it does not scream steal me. bob said what happens if our sattelites go down, the whole world is learning to go places with them and when those of us who know how to go without them die, and only know gps, the satelites die or fall down and a whole world is lost. airplanes fly with them to. so if you are on a plane and the satelite quits, who will fly the plane to where. cluck cluck

PS we never go further from home than 20 miles so we can walk home if we have to. ha ha

Fred Alton said...

I love my GPS! I have found tho, it does not always have exactly the right directions and tries to tell me to turn at a place where no road exists! When speaking of being "lost" I always think of Daniel Boone (or was that Davy Crockett?) who said he had "Mever been lost." "Now," says he, "I've been bewildered for three or four days at a time, but I've never been lost!" I know you are going to enjoy that GPS cause it's full of info about "points of interest" and exits to take etc. and etc.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Points well-taken :-). I suspect I know what you'll be doing this weekend. Happy (new) trails to you. Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

LC said...

Ginny, your articulation of how you see God in everyday life and the accompanying applicable scripture never ceases to amaze and uplift me. Happy trails to you and Phil with your new traveling companion!

Velvet Over Steel said...

I so love the way you broght this story back and connected it with Jesus! PERFECT!

Have a Wonderful weekend!!!
Coreen xoxoxo
PS. My oldest son got lost in Oklahoma with his GPS while trying to find 'odd' points of interest in the dark.. while driving up here for Christmas. He posted some funny pictures of his 'GPS adventures' on facebook & laughed for an hour. So enjoy!! :-)

Lady Jane said...

You will love your GPS. Sometimes we call our navigating princess a no no word when she says "recalculating" and she says that a lot, lol... but then we wouldnt know what to do without her now.

What Karen Sees said...

You know, sometimes we have to rejoice in the talents He has given us, and be humble in our weaknesses and know we have to rely on Him for guidance, both literally and in all aspect of our lives! (In our family, I have a pretty good sense of direction, but my husband does not!)

DawnTreader said...

In this area of technology I do feel a little "lost"... I've never used a GPS since I haven't even driven a car since they became common! One good thing about it though is that one doesn't have to explain the way to people as often any more. I'm hopeless at explaining to others how to drive to get to my street since I don't drive myself.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, We have GPS in both of our cars but I have to say - never depend on the machine to get you where you need to be. This is especially true when you are out in the boondocks. Too many areas are not mapped or have mapping of roads that in reality are poorly maintained or are dirt. We had this experience in Arkansas. Just use care. The GPS is a great tool in most circumstances, however.

Ruth Hiebert said...

GPS is my new best friend.Jake didn't need it much but I now NEED to have it when I travel to the city.Country back roads will also be a place where I might need it in summer.Thankfully God is my guide on the road to heaven,No getting lost there.

George said...

I hope you'll like your GPS as much as we like ours. We keep ours in the car all the time. We have a mount so it can sit on the dashboard. We find we can still get lost, especially when were out on forest service roads somewhere, but it usually gets us to where we want to go without any problems.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I hope you have fun with the gps....we haven't decided to get one as yet....but people I know who have them.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is funny, yes getting lost, of course! You do know the One who can guide!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Ginny, I am so glad you got a GARMIN.... I truly think you will love it once you learn all about it... Remember you can set it for fastest time (which is usually interstates) or shortest distance (which is usally the backroads). Study it and get it set up for you all.

THEN, when you go somewhere, find out the address, and put it in the GPS--ahead of time. Then ask it to take you there, either the fastest way or the shortest distance.

We love ours and it gets us EVERYWHERE.. It does 'boo-boo' every once in awhile especially when we are back in the woods trying to find a waterfall. BUT--99% of the time, it is RIGHT...

You can also look up restaurants, motels, etc. on the GPS --from where you are. Like I said, just spend some time learning all about it.

CONGRATS.... AND--yes leave the GPS in your car. We put it in the glove compartment when we are out of the car (parked in a public area).


Remington said...

Congrats on your new purchase! I think we REALLY need one of those!

sm said...

interesting read

RoeH said...

I just love my GPS! I don't use it much around here because I know the area so well but they are a lifesaver on the California freeways. And I like the way they tell you something is coming up from about two miles.

Ann said...

I've never used a GPS although my phone is capable of doing that. Glad to see you got one. Now keep it in the car :)
Love your friends jacket,

Chatty Crone said...

Now you will never get lost - here or there. lol sandie

Tracy said...

Oh Heaven's to Betsy Ginny, even if I DID have a GPS I'd be lost...I am directionally challenged and do not know my left from my right so if it told me to take a right, I'd be crashing into someone or something deciding which was L or it's best to let my husband drive so we get to where we are going. He won't even let me read a map. :)

Regina said...

OK..first I got Sandra's e-mail and she mentioned you had trouble..ahh, it is blogger then! (I had to come by and share in your misery) Blame it on the moon (lol). Did this happen after you switched..cause you had a big blue space background right? You should of seen my face when I first saw my header!! I really tried blinking a few times- ha ha, hoping this wasn't really happening to me! My husband even came in to check our computers and removed all my photos to back them up (I was complaining about that too).. well, hopefully this will all just pass! TOO:))))

LV said...

I do not have one of these. If I traveled as much as I used to, i would buy one So many of the cars are equipped with them now. They are a bit pricey, but from what I have heard they are worth it.

Deborah said...

That is a great! Although I hate to be the bearer of bad news but sometimes they have been know to send you right instead of left and so on...I have had good luck with mine though!
PS I will miss your getting lost stories though! hehehehe

srp said...

Yes, it really does need to be in the car. ;) Dad's is built in and worked fine for a year. Then... messed up and fixed... messed up again and supposedly fixed again and now.. intermittent mess ups. Ours acts like a PC... it gets a brain cramp and simply freezes up. You have to shut the car off and restart it to reboot the system. Annoying.

Neal said...

They are really nice. If you got one that accepts a SD or MicroSD card and that you can download points of interest into you can go here and download a lot of things. Since my wife and I like to look in old cemeteries I have over 100,000 cemeteries downloaded into mine along with a lot of restaurants that we like to eat at.

The Bamboo & The Rainbow

 This is a house up the street from us. We passed it one evening after dark, and what a surprise! We saw these lovely bamboo windows! I thin...