Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Falling Leaves

"Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall.
Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll."

My favorite part of fall is the beautiful leaves, and there are many around here. This is because we live in a historic area called "Tree Streets". In fact, the streets here are all named after trees, and I live on Maple. My doctor's office is on Magnolia. The dentist is on Pine. But I digress. Here are this years fallen leaves, making beautiful carpets everywhere. It is ironic that though I love them so much and would love to walk through them, I am allergic to them and they cost me two trips to the E.R. and having to carry an epi-pen. I guess you could say their beauty is too much to take!

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in Him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17


SquirrelQueen said...

What gorgeous carpets of color Ginny. I'm sorry to hear you are allergic to the leaves. Ours are gone now with just a few brown ones hanging on to a branch. I love the gingko leaves in your header photo.

FilipBlog said...

Wouldn't like to clean that up.


Tanna said...

Ouch! Two trips to the ER and epi-pens. Bummer! Sure make for a beautiful view though! Be safe in your enjoyment. blessings ~ tanna

Karin said...

That's exactly how I remember the trees in KY when we lived there years ago! Love that pile of gingko leaves - like a pot of gold! So sorry you are allergic to them! That's no fun!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The car covered in leaves is so funny!

So sorry you're allergic! :-(

Remington said...

The golden leaves are my favorite! Oh the beautiful colors of fall....

Remington said...

Oh and I am sorry to hear that you and the leaves don't get along that well....hope you feel better soon....

Hootin Anni said... the feather post below, such an adorable, lovely smile and beautiful little girl!!

Now, to the falling leaves...reminds me of an oldie but goodie song...Roger Williams [remember him playing the piano?] ---The Falling Leaves!!

Anyway, great set of photos, I especially love the colors and the car covered in Holiday Reds.

A link to my Friday post: Part 1 of our Road Trip

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The leaves look as beautiful as carpet on the ground as they do on the trees.. Praise God doctors and medication,so that you can go on.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love trees with leaves and without leaves and leaves on the ground, wow and wow, these are wonderful, all of them. bring on the blower for the cars. so are you allergic to the leaves when they are on the trees? or just when they fall? sorry to hear you can't walk through all that beauty, i would love to slither through them and listen to the sound. and pile them up and burn them and smell that wonderful smell. i wonder if you would be allergic to smoke if they burned them. i would love to live in Tree Streets

Sharon said...

It looks like you didn't have any wind and they just dumped their leaves in piles of color. Really cool!

S. Etole said...

What an abundance of beauty. How unfortunate that it causes you such allergies.

Anonymous said...

I love when you share your drives around town, Ginny. Such pretty scenes! Have a happy weekend.

Marie said...

These trees and leaves are so pretty! Two trips to the ER isn't good. Glad you have the epi-pen. Have a wonderful weekend!

From the Kitchen said...

I miss rolling around in them after they are raked! I also miss the smell of burning leaves. I love driving along those Virginia "blue" highways with them skittering across the road on a windy day.

Thanks for the memories!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wow! Lots of vividly colored leaves. Growing up, we had evergreen trees or other trees that kept their leaves all year long. So. CA just had warm weather in the Winter months. I enjoy the leaves except for the raking part! HA! Have a wonderful weekend!

DawnTreader said...

Wonderful captures, Ginny! So you are allergic to decaying leaves? For me the autumn is the best season to be out in nature, I've got it far worse in spring and in summer (grass).

Christmas-etc... said...

Oh my... what a gorgeous display of God's lovely world! what a blessing for you to live in such a magnificent location. it's so real and giving and just...well, makes me just want to sit back and savor these photos!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - I love the variety of colors you have there - beautiful!


Wouldn't want to rake them up though.

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about your allergy with leaves. They are certainly beautiful -- and plentiful in your area. We also have a lot of leaves on the ground. I've got the front and one side of our yard looking pretty good, but I still have more work to do to be able to see the ground in the rest of the yard.

photowannabe said...

Heavenly carpets everywhere.
We had a windstorm and it has stripped the trees bare. The gorgeous color is no more.

Ann said...

gorgeous fall colors. Too bad about the allergies. It must make it rather miserable this time of year

Neal said...

Those are beautiful pictures. I think my favorite is the 3rd from bottom. I love your header also.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your neighborhood sound sso lovely, Ginny. These autumn photos are beautiful. I'm so sorry you are allergic to some of these fallen leaves, however, as that must keep you indise this tiem of the year.

Bobbie said...

Oh my! You are allergic to fallen leaves? That's awful. Well, at least you can look at their beauty Ginny... and these pictures are gorgeous!!

Joanne said...

Our leaves here didn't get as vibrant this year. :O( Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Blessings, Joanne

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

These beautiful leaves remind me of my oldest sis Rose. The photos on my Friday shootout meme.

Rose didn't travel abroad to study, and we used to have beautiful calenders. Once she admired the beauty of fallen leaves, and then resigned to the fact she would never see them. She said, it is probably very itchy there.

when she came here, it was just the season for red leaves. she was so happy. will post them another day.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like the leaf covered car...neat pic

Anonymous said...

Wow! These are incredibly beautiful pictures!! I wasn't aware that people could be allergic to leaves too! Thanks for sharing these stunning images, Ginny.

Rose said...

Oh, too bad you are allergic to them...I can't imagine that. At least you have plenty to look at.

Lynn said...

In NC on our vacation I loved walking through the leaves and hearing the crunch of the leaves. I do mean "hearing". Such small pleasure will always excite me to hear them again. Oh boy, two trips to the ER is NOT fun. Wonder if it is the leaves themselves or the dust/dirt/mold that accumulates. Guess you need to view their beautiful from inside the car or the window so not to have another ER trip next year. Blessings.

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