Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Feathers Will Fly

Feathers have been flying around here, they are everywhere!!! They constantly come out of our throw pillows, and out of the seams of Phil's big winter coat. When he gets in the car, he almost disappears behind a cloud of feathers. We also use them in crafts for the kids from time to time. These are just a few of the pictures I snapped of feathers laying around. Ella is holding one she found on the floor, and our granddaughter Anne is wearing a feather stole her mom made, that picture was taken by her mom. When I was a little girl, I did a very naughty thing. We had a large satin burgundy comforter on the bed, and it was stuffed with feathers. One day, I got the scissors and cut tiny slits all over the top of it, then jumped up and down on it and watched as it made snow. To this day, I can't remember what my punishment was, perhaps I have blocked it out of my mind. But I still remember that snow of feathers coming down all over me and the bed. I was covered in feathers.

"He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Psalm 91:4


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Ginny you are so wise. Today, my princopal was telling us, now she got 2 lousy legs, last year, she slop and broke a bone at the ankle. On Sunday, she step off and hurt her other ankle.

I have weak pelvic floor muscle, and you know what it means? I can run without....., I mainly walk, but recenlty run slowly about 50 metres.

The shoes are new, not even worn when I took the photo. One of it is supposed to help me balance like a see saw. I am learning to walk.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

anne-marie's stole is so beautiful. have you been going to collect the feathers foor her mum? Here in our Western Springs park, at a certain season, we get a lot of feathers. For a couple of years, i went collecting, ducks and geese. At the end of the year, i let the kids make their own quilt. They like this very much.

Reanaclaire said...

How come there are feathers everywhere, Ginny? They make me sneeze actually... lol.. but I use a feather duster in the office for my own table.. other than that, no feathers in the house.. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I'm not sure what your parents said but I'd say you were a creative child!


SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, now I have this imagine of you as a child being surrounded by a cloud of feathers. Probably best you don't remember the punishment. I'm sure feathers were still showing up in your house months later.

I love that pretty little feather stole Anne is wearing. And those feathers in your header are so pretty.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Ginny I just loved this feathers....and love what you did...made it snow feathers everywhere. Mostly I love that He covers us with them. Hugs to you. You're the best.

pam said...

Oh my word....cutting up the comforter...that is so funny! I bet it was fun. That would be a fun thing to do with an old one before putting a new one on the bed. It would give our bedroom a GOOD cleaning which would be good. Hmmmmm, now all I need is a little one to come jump while I enjoy!

milton said...

muito criativa

Melanie said...

What a funny story, Ginny...very naughty indeed!! :-)

Neal said...

Naughty, naughty...I can't believe you would be that mischievous. :)

Tanna said...

LOL! Oh, Ginny! I know your mom was dismayed at the comforter, but I still bet she had to stiffle a laugh when she found you all covered in feathers! LOL! blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post and your memory of cutting the comforter to see the feathers fly. Thanks for sharing the photos, also.

Hope you have a nice day, Ginny.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL, you must've had a grand time until your mom found out!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have not seen a feather in years, except the ones attached to the birds. LOL your story about you as a child made me remember my grandmother had a feather-bed. she put it on top of the mattress and i loved to lay on it and sink down in it. had forgotten it until you jogged my memory.
i like the header feather a lot and that feather stole is precious. does phils coat have a hole in it? i have never had a coat with feathers in it, because have never lived in a climate that required one.

Karin said...

I can just see you jumping on the bed the feathers flying! Not sure what I would have done if that had been my kids doing that! I've always loved feathers - especially the colorful peacock ones! In more recent years I've discouraged children from picking up feathers as they do carry bacteria that can cause ill health! Your header is so pretty!

Chatty Crone said...

Good morning Ginny and Happy December to you.

Gosh have feathers will travel - right?

Remember the picture of the bird on Tuesday - with the two little chicks - she's protecting with her feathers - it reminds me so much of this verse and what God does for us.

Love, sandie

DawnTreader said...

So you obviously have always known how to enjoy yourself! :D I My comforters and pillows are all synthetic. The only feathers just now are in my 'dream-catcher' I think. (I blogged about those a couple of months back.)

Sharon said...

Sounds like you were a little dickens!

Remington said...

Feathers are fun! Love the pics!

Regina said...

I bet you bloked that out! What a moment of wicked fun (ha hah)
Well a feather is lighter than an ice cream! these are cute..I had to toss a couple feather pillows that were driving me nuts!
Well enjoy your day-

Stephanie V said...

Such beautiful feathers. I always wished to have a pillow fight so that feathers could fly all over. None of us kids ever dared because of the punishment we knew would come! You were very brave!

Unknown said...

How darling your feathers ... memories. The girls are adorable.

Have a lovely weekend ~

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Of all of the blog posts I've read (since 2006 when I started blogging), I don't think I have ever read a post on FEATHERS.... How 'bout that? You are so special to come up with so many interesting topics...

I'm sure those sweet little girls love playing with all of the feathers. I don't think we have any here ---or at least it has been a long time since I saw a feather around here (other than a bird feather outside)...

Cute post.. By the way, how is Ella doing in school now?

FilipBlog said...

She looks very happy with her feathers. Great.


Unknown said...

You have such a fun way of tying things together - like the amazing truths from God's Word and ........ feathers, of all things :)! Love the pics, your granddaughter is precious!
Oh, and I think you and I might have been naughty friends together had we lived in the same town :)!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Love the flyin' feathers 'round your place sweetie but most of all I adore that we can be sheltered under His wings!!!

God bless ya and have an amazin' day sweetie!!! :o)

Annie Jeffries said...

Some things are just so wonderful in our memory that any punished is worth the event itself. So we forget the punishment and love the memory. Sort of like childbirth.

Ann said...

this made me laugh. Even though it may have been naughty I can just imagine how much fun you were having making it snow feathers :)

S. Etole said...

You make me laugh, Ginny!

Lady Jane said...

Oh Ginny I love it. You were so bad.... Doesnt it make you wonder what mischief kids got into with the old feather beds years ago??? I can picture kids jumping on those beds and feathers going everywhere.... Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, LJ

Rose said...

Oh, Ginny, I cannot imagine you doing that!

George said...

I have trouble imagining as a little girl who would cut open an comforter to watch the feathers make snow. The incident obviously made a great impression on you.
Anne Marie sure looks cute in her feather stole.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, I think I'm envying Phil's coat - and sorry he's losing the feathers. They sure are warm to sleep under too. A feather tick is so comfortable.

Reena said...

Ginny, what a wonderful memory of childhood! I love the image of you jumping on the bed covered in feathers! so sweet (of course, I'm sure you got into BIG trouble!) but well worth that memory!

Marie said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun with those feathers as a little girl. I'm glad it's a happy memory for you. :)

Joanne said...

You place a funny image in my head about Phil in a cloud of feathers everytime he gets in the car! Now that story about you cutting the comforter YIKES! LOL!
Blessings, Joanne

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