Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Drumroll, Please

"Opportunity is a parade. Even as one chance passes, the next is a fife and drum echoing in the distance.""
Robert Brault

"The noisiest drum has nothing in it but air"
English Proverb

Here are pictures of Anne Marie and Ella of about two years ago, when my friend gave me her set of electric drums.  Neither Phil nor I play, but I knew the girls would love them, and they are lightweight and easy to move around. Why are they playing today? To introduce the award I just got from from Cheryl at The Farmer's Daughter. Chreryl takes wonderful pictures of barns, nature, and things that get your emotions going, thank you Cheryl! The rules of this award are:
1. Be a follower of this blog
2. Pass it on to three other people
3. Link back to me. 

So here are my three choices for the award:
1.Monica at Dawn Treader's Picture Book - She snaps wonderful things in Sweden, like you have never seen before!

2.Sandie at Chatty Crone - She will always give you a big laugh and is a friend to everyone.

3.Ann at Snap Edit Scrap - because she has an adorable little dog and tells life like it is, and also makes divine crafts.

I tried to chose followers who I think might accept this award, but if you do not like doing this kind of thing, feel free to pass and you won't hurt my feelings, promise!

Jesus said, "Come to think of it, you are going to drink my cup. But as to awarding places of honor, that's not my business. My Father is taking care of that."  Matthew 20:23


SquirrelQueen said...

When I opened your blog I was greeted by Anne Marie's adorable smile. It is definitely contagious!
I'll bet the girls did have fun with those drums. Congrats on the award Ginny.

BlueShell said...

Oh, my dear...what a GREAT POST you have. May the Lord Bless you all!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Okay, that header is just the cutest Ginny :-) Thanks for a morning smile!

Nature Rambles said...

Absolutely lovely photos!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these little girls are the cutest...the most adorable....and love seeing them hit the drum roll. Congrats on the award. And glad to see you back

Tanna said...

Congratulations on the award!! Love the photos of the girls with the drum set! Kudos to you for being willing to listen to the 'magic'. LOL! blessings ~ tanna

Fred Alton said...

Those are two of the cutest, sweetest looking girls! Very dramatic. Loved them.

From the Kitchen said...

I'm with Tanna: Kudos to you and Phil for putting up with the noise because it's obvious that the girls are having a fine time!!

Congratulations on your award!!


Mary Bergfeld said...

Congratulations on a well-deserved award, Ginny. The pictures are really darling. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

LC said...

Congratulations and captivating photos and text to accomapny your award. Checking out the "awarder" and your three choices is now on my to do list.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

priceless memories held here for the future, I am with SQ when the post opened and I saw Ann Marie's smile I started to smile and smiled all the way through the photos. they are so darn cute. i wish i had those drums, that is what i wanted to do in high-school, play drums in the band. i love drums

Hootin Anni said...

Congratulations on your blog award!!! Outstanding.

And those images...oh my they ever make me smile...big time!!!!

What a joy they must be.

Have a great day Ginny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wow is your granddaughter lucky to have the occasional use of your electronic drums. When I was her age, I had to sneak mom's pots and pans out of the kitchen cabinets and hope I did not get in too much trouble for my musical experimentation! Ha! Have a wonderful day today!

George said...

Congratulations! This award is certainly deserving of a drum roll. Anne Marie is an adorable drummer with a contagious smile.

Marie said...

These are some of the most fun and sweetest pics I've ever seen! You can see that they are having so much fun! Just precious!

Filip said...

I am sure the kids love it and can play a lot with this.

Interesting article to increase blog activity.


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Now that's the best intro I've ever seen. How sweet are those two little drummer girls? Precious!!1

Woohoo!!! Congratulations on your well deserved award.

God bless you sweetie and have a warm fuzzy kinda day!!! :o)

S. Etole said...

Love the happy smiles of those little girls. Congratulations to you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That drum set reminded me of my grandson, Landon. He started playing the drums at a young age ---and then he took lessons. NOW--since he is in high school, he is an excellent drummer. I'm so proud of him.

Ann said...

Congratulations on your award and what a fabulous introduction. You've got some cute little drummers there.
Thank you so much for passing the award on to me. I'll do my best to get it posted soon

Remington said...

Great post! Congrats on your award! Love the pics! You asked about the weather stick....we got ours at a local bird food store but you can get them on Amazon. They are fun!

Rose said...

congratulations on your award...those girls look like they are having fun!

Joanne said...

Their faces tell the whole story! They are so excited! Those drums are so cool...I wish they had those when I was little....I could have been a rock star! LOL!
Blessings, Joanne

DawnTreader said...

The girls certainly seem to enjoy that drumset! :) Thanks for the award, I'll have a think about whom I might pass it on to.

Annie Jeffries said...

Anne Marie is just priceless. Her smile just explodes off the screen.

Chatty Crone said...

You show the happiest pictures - I love all the pinks - girls - and smiles. You sure do deserve this award of anyone did.

Thank you so much for the award - I just got it from Marie - I posted it today. I am so sorry - so you might want to give it to someone else.

I am so glad you are back and running - NOW STAY WELL!


photowannabe said...

Delightful images Ginny.
Congratulations on your award.
Its always fun to come here and see how you work your photos and scripture together.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Reena said...

Congrats on your award. And that is just pure joy in your banner!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have never seen such a pretty drummer!

Neal said...

They are so cute. How can anyone look at those pictures and not smile?

Anonymous said...

Such big smiles from the girls - they love those drums!

Congrats on the award.

Have a great weekend.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello Jenny, Your drum roll is the best. Love all the photos, such precious little sweet. Much love C.M.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful smiles ...Ginny you are blessed...enjoy always visiting your blog...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

with grandma, you can be a girl band

Gloria Baker said...

these girls ar adorable love them!!

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