Sunday, January 29, 2012

White As Snow

Peonies from last summer. I had a blast photographing these!

"Come. Sit down. Let's argue this out." This is God's Message: "If your sins are blood-red, they'll be snow-white. If they're red like crimson, they'll be like wool. If you'll willingly obey, you'll feast like kings..." That's right. God says so.”
Isaiah 1:18


Karin said...

Ooooooo, love those peonies! I was always told that they would be pure white if they were planted far enough away from any red or pink ones! At first I thought you had them in your garden now

Anonymous said...

Beautiful beyond words, Ginny!

Reanaclaire said...

Sorry, I forgot to sign in when I was commenting the above.. these peonies reminded me of one song.. "you are beautiful beyond description"...

Joanne said...

I love Peonies!And the verse means so much to me right now! Thank You!
Blessings, Joanne

BlueShell said...

So lovely...the flowers and the words. Thank you, my dear!
God bless you!

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are beautiful peonies! I love your photos of them Ginny, I'll bet they were fun to photograph. They make me wish spring would hurry up since I am really missing all the flowers in my garden.

DawnTreader said...

We have "the real thing" now (snow) but I have to say I look forward to your kind... :)

Ann said...

They are gorgeous. I love peonies. I have some in my front yard and I look forward to their scent every year.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Wow Ginny, this is one awesome flower and you chose the perfect picture for your header. The last shot looks like billows of white smoke. Outstanding.

Hope your week is blessed.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! And such a reminder of hope - that even when winter's days seem so dark and dreary there is always hope (summer) around the corner! Couldn't live without His sustaining hope!

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful...peonies always remind me of my late was one of her favorite plants. My dad would have to make sure we had these in every yard we lived in [house] because my mom wanted them.

My Monday Post if you'd like to stop by to

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Everyone is posting pics from last summer lately! I guess winter pics aren't as exciting - particularly when we haven't seen any snow.

From the Kitchen said...

Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. My grandmother, who lived in Roanoke, had a fabulous peony garden.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

willingly obey is a scary part of that verse. hard to do for sure. i love the scripture. the flower pics are super. i have never seen peonies growing, only at work when a couple of times the girls brought them in. these are beautiful...

Chatty Crone said...

Those are so very pretty Ginny - aren't you glad you are looking are gorgeous white flowers instead of snow? Sandie

Fred Alton said...

Beautiful white flowers and beautiful Scripture reference! You have a certain adeptness at selecting pictures that relate to a scripture. Love it, Ginny!

Remington said...

Beautiful! I can't wait until the flowers are pretty on Remington Drive again....

Marie said...

These peonies are so beautiful! I love the white, so soft and fluffy looking. I've only seen these in pictures. I would love to have some in my yard.
Have a wonderful week Ginny!

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are gorgeous.and a refreshing sight in the middle of winter.

photowannabe said...

No snow here but your peonies are gorgeous.
Perfect verse for the photos.

Stephanie V said...

I love the middles of peonies. They remind me of tiny birds in a fluffy nest.

FilipBlog said...

Super flowers, good text.


Jeanne said...

I've always loved peonies but never grown them. I think our summers are too hot for them here in Southeast Texas. What a beautiful header they made!

Becky Jane said...

Beautiful peonies! My mother and I both grew these and love how white they are. Your scripture is so fitting! Happy Monday Sweetie!

George said...

I much prefer these whites this time of year to snow! Thanks for sharing these with us.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Those are beautiful peonies! You did a great job capturing them!! How are you??

Neal said...

Absolute gorgeous. Are you trying to rush spring? :) My wife come in today and said a few of her daffodils were coming up. I hope they don't get killed with a hard freeze.

Tanna said...

OH, Ginny!! These are stunning! I love peonies. We are too far south to have them here... but, I love to see them when I visit my Little Men in VA!! Beautiful photos! blessings ~ Tanna

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny! These peonies are beautiful!! I am so glad we were able to meet up with you and Phil on Friday while passing through... I wanted to comment on your post but my ipad wasn't letting me do much and the battery on my laptop was dying. I forgot to take my charger, along with so many other things I forgot! We had a good time... I'll post some pictures later. Once again, it was so great to meet you and hopefully we can some day take you up on that pizza :-) and connect again!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Peonies are among my favorite flowers, as they all look different, yet ther same as prople do!

Lynn said...

Oh these peonies are gorgeous. I so love peonies and they don't grow in FL, at least not on the Gulf Coast and have not seen them elsewhere in the state. Love how there are pinkish stamens right there in the very center. Ruffly leaves too! Great capture Ginny.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I love them. We moved to a new town and a new house.My old house had peonies that were 80 years old or older.I lived there 25 years,and they were their when we moved in. It had beautiful gardens down the drive way with all colors. I took some with me,will see this spring if I have any.Thanks for sharing,Joann

S. Etole said...

Such a pretty sight on this gray last day of January.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Chinese national flower. Yours is so lovely.

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