Monday, January 16, 2012

Special Order

A camel looks like a horse that was planned by a committee. ~Author Unknown

These are some of the camels we saw when we went to the Safari Park last year. Not very pretty, are they? At least not by our standards. Yet, the word camel means beauty in Arabic. And in fact, they are beautifully made for the hot desert. They can go for months without water and run for miles without stopping. They can carry passengers and many pounds of supplies that would stop many trucks. They can shut their nostrils against the wind and sand. And they are the only mammal to have oval shaped red blood cells. This is so they will flow rather than clump when they are dehydrated. They are a marvel of design. Oh, and they also steal. They were grabbing the food bowls out of the hands of the feeders, and chewing them up, as you can see here. That's another thing, they can eat anything sharp without hurting their mouths! Who knew? Seems that God designed these animals with every single specialty they would ever need.

“We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God's original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment.”
Col. 1:15


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness! I let out a hoot when I saw the last photo. It looks like that fellow was considering stealing your camera, hope you weren't too close. I just learned a lot about camels from your post, they are fascinating creatures.

Tracy said...

Oh my, they are the funniest looking creatures and you have such fantastic photos of them! love it Ginny!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love the header! Yes, when we went to the safari park at Natural Bridge the camel stole and ate our bucket!

Tanna said...

Oh, Ginny! How could you not love the face in that last photo?!! Love these photos! blessings ~ Tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos and that last one is a HOOT and looks like he is smiling at you. so sweet and they are a marvel by God. did i say i love these photos, i hurt my face smiling when the header opened.

Bobbie said...

OH MY!! I didn't know that about this animal! These pictures are great Ginny! You sure do get around. I hope you're doing okay :-)

Karin said...

That last camel looks like a ham! They are truly amazing animals for their purpose - designed by our Creator! We saw a lot of them on our trip to Israel - years ago. You got great photos Ginny!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post, Ginny, I think we tend to take God's amazing creation for granted so often, how sad - for us and for Him!

Reena said...

I think they are gorgeous in a camel kind of way!

Mary Bergfeld said...

They are remarkable creatures, but they can be obstinate. Your photos are terrific. Have a great day, Ginny.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I like the quote. It is just like our God to create each creature for a special purpose.

Stephanie V said...

The beauty must be in the function 'cuz it sure ain't in the form.

Brave you! I wouldn't have got that close.

Becky Jane said...

Camels are proof the the Lord has a sense of humor! I especially ♥ the last photo! It is hilarious!

Found you blog link on Stuff Could Always Be Worse!
New follower! Thanks, Becky Jane

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

They are not pretty in our eyes but you stated well...they are pretty for their environment

Marie said...

These camel pics are great! The last pic is so cute and so funny! He really liked you. :)

George said...

Thanks for telling us all about camels. You gave much information that I didn't know. Your pictures are marvelous. You did a great job.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, A friend of mine rode on a Camel a few years back and said it was quite hard to do. I never have done so. I don't think I have ever seen a Camel outside of a Zoo. Have a great day! Love that Scripture!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

They are really very handy creatures if you live in the desert! I wonder about folks that have them around here, though, why they want them? We pass a farm on the way to Branson that has a few camels. They really look out of place!
Have a great day !

DawnTreader said...

Wonderful series of pictures! What are those buckets made of?! I can't imagine plastic being a natural diet for them even if it doesn't hurt their mouths...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, nice photos of the camels. Camels are ugly creatures, and they smell. The last photo is great - well captured I'd say ;) Have a lovely day!


Filip said...

I always find the camels funny. Some really good facial expressions. :-)


Chatty Crone said...

I guess God and others might see beauty in how well things work and not so well in outward beauty - lol. sandie

Anonymous said...

Interesting Ginny ...The camel...who knew?? yes we serve an Most Wise God full of wisdom full of understand and knowledge...and I agree the camel is not much to look at but the treasures of such a creature is beyong the imagination

S. Etole said...

What an unusual looking creature and yet so useful in the desert.

Lynn said...

Oh this is delightful Ginny. We, us humans, have our standards for what is "beautiful", but God named this animal "beautiful" and designed it to fit perfectly in its habitat, right down to the blood cells! I knew everything but the shape of those cells and why. That just blew my mind. BTW I have two beautiful daughters and a son. Heather, Kellie and Bobby. Thank you as always for the lovely comments.

Ann said...

Oh these are wonderful especially that expression on the last one. I can't believe they eat the bowls. I can't imagine that they taste very good but they must like them.

LV said...

I have enjoyed these animals in parks. I cannot stand the tongue touching me. It feels awful. Great shots. Thanks you for being so kind and loyal to visit.

Remington said...

What awesome photos! Thank you for sharing!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great pictures of the camels... They really aren't very pretty ---but are cute in their own way... Beauty is as beauty does!!!!!! Can't believe they will eat that plastic.... Yuk...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Whenever I see a camel I always think it is smiling :) You took such good photos of them Ginny.

Nature Rambles said...

Wonderful photos, Ginny! Your photos reminded of the time we went to the desert area in the north western state of Rajasthan where we rode camels. It was fun!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

These are Asian Camels. Camels have become a pest in Australian, and I am amazed a migrant animal has become so populated.

Alice said...

A horse that was planned by a committee..that is funny:)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Plastic makes for a good flossing tool.

Love that sweet face, great for kisses.

Rose said...

Wonderful post!

barbara l. hale said...

LOL! I love those camel pics. They are strange creatures. Looks like you had fun.

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