Monday, January 30, 2012

A Little Luck

Today's post comes straight from our weekend newspaper. Meet Tony Williams, I snapped his photos from our local paper. Tony needs a heart transplant, and is wearing a backpack to power his heart while he waits. You might say he needs a little luck. And last Wednesday, that is exactly what he found. Right in his own front yard! See the extremely rare nine leaf clover. Very, very rare. Williams is keeping it in a cup of water for now, but is willing to donate it to a museum for kids and others to see. He enjoys hunting for four leaf clovers with his daughter. I hope he gets his heart, a little luck couldn't hurt.

“But God's not finished. He's waiting around to be gracious to you. He's gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.”
Isaiah 30:18


Joanne said...

Awww what a sweet picture. I pray that he gets a healthy heart soon.
Blessings, Joanne

Terra said...

I hope the rare clover is the lead in to a new heart for this man.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Now that is an unusual story. Ginny, Bob had surgery last week and his recovery has been slower than we expected. He is on the mend. Thanks for your concern. Blessings...Mary

SquirrelQueen said...

I do hope the rare clover is a sign of good things to come for this gentleman. Wishing him all the best. Thanks for sharing this story Ginny.

photowannabe said...

Lovely photo. thanks for sharing. I hope he gets his transplant soon.
To answer your question, Yes its Disneyland. We were there in Sept.

Reanaclaire said...

Yeah, hope he gets a suitable donor soon..

Melanie said...

I hope Tony will be able to get a new heart soon, Ginny! Although it's kind of bittersweet because that means someone else's loved one will have to pass away.
Hope you're having a good week, my friend.♥

Alice said...

I do hope he gets a heart. What a beautiful clover.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I pray Tony will get his heart, a beautiful story and I did not know they came with that many leaves. such a sweet looking guy and story. your blog looks cheerful today. hope it brings him double luck.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

We pray this dear soul get his needed transplant. Have never seen a clover like this.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What an unusual clover...Yes I hope he gets a new heart

From the Kitchen said...

Saying a prayer for this gentleman! I hope a nine-leaf clover means really, really good luck.


LC said...

What an interesting photo and moving situation. Thanks for sharing both, Ginny! It was touching that Tony can still find pleasure doing a simple outdoor activity with his daughter. Not all dads spend that kind of time and attention on their little ones.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I never even knew there was such a thing as a 9 leaf clover!

I hope he gets his heart soon!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I pray that he gets a new heart very soon! I didn't know there were 9 leaf clovers, I remember looking for and finding 5 leaf clovers when I was a kid. I think it's sweet that he spends time with his daughter looking.

Stephanie V said...

Four leaf clovers are rare enough! A nine leaf? Amazing! Thsis should definitely get his luck going in the right direction.

Marie said...

This is a very touching story Ginny. I'm so glad you shared it. This man's daughter will always have her memories of hunting for clovers with her dad. It's our attention and time that our kids seek and remember most. I will keep this man in my thoughts and prayers.

Lady Jane said...

Tony is in my prayers. Hugs. LJ

DawnTreader said...

Hope he has good luck with the bigger things as well. The clover certainly looks unusual.

Chatty Crone said...

I had no idea there were 9 leaf clovers at all! Amazing. sandie

Annie Jeffries said...

Amazing eyes. They are so gentle.

A nine leaf clover??? I've never heard of such a thing. What a treasure.

Anonymous said...

wow I've never seen a 9 leaf glover and very few 4 leaf...LOL will pray that this beautiful soul gets his heart as the LORD purposes and plans....

Fred Alton said...

I pray that Tony gets his needed heart and it is transplanted successfully. WoW! A Nine-leafed clover. Neverr heard of one before. He surely has a sharp eye.

Anonymous said...

What a nice story, I will pray that Tony will get his heart soon. Nice picture! Hope that this rare clover is a sign of good things that will come ^_^


Together We Save said...

Hoping and praying he gets lucky!!

Lynn said...

Oh Ginny the verse you selected just gave me chills (good ones) because it is like the Lord speaking to Tony directly. I have added him to my prayer list. Please keep us/me updated on him. Thank you for always leaving such nice comments when you visit me. You are such a blessing to all who read your precious blog.

Anonymous said...

God bless Mr. Williams. What a sweet picture.

Ann said...

Wow 9. That is amazing. Maybe it's a sign from God that a healthy heart is on it's way for him

Remington said...

He is in our thoughts and prayers....

Glenda said...

I pray that the young man gets a new heart soon! This is the first nine-leafed clover I've ever heard of! Glad it's getting him attention!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Nice story to pass along. I hope that gentleman regains his health. Have a super nice day tomorrow!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

was that real? I haven't even seen a 4-leaf one. What he needs is people praying for him when they see his photo.

My friend from church is having abrain surgery for cancer right today.

Karin said...

So exciting for him to find this unique clover! It's great that he wants to donate it so others can enjoy it too! He has an awesome heart already - now may the Lord bless him with one that physically functions as God has intended it to is my prayer! Keeps us updated!

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