Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Other Side

"From within or from behind,  a light shines through us upon things, and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I took the pictures of the moon in my last post, I had really gone out to snap the sunset. But turning around, saw the moon rising in all it's splendor. So I had the blazing light of the sun setting on one side of the mountains, and the glowing light of the moon rising on the other side. The light on all sides. Each different but beautiful, cascading in it's glory.

“So, my very dear friends, don't get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.”
James 1


SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, I love the way you caught the teasel in the foreground of your photos. It looks like you had a fantastic view no matter which direction you turned.

Hootin Anni said...

So, I had to scroll down and take in the beauty of the moon on the opposite side of the sky...and then the sun setting in the other corner...wow. Just plain wow. What beauty we have here on our globe...the vision of so many promises of the splendor of it all...and sad to know that some miss out on it each and every day, not taking time to drink it all in.

Hey!!! I've missed you. I do hope you're feeling much better now, and continue to recover.

From the Kitchen said...

I remember well seeing the moon on one side of the valley and the sun on the other. I also remember rainbows arcing over. I'm homesick!


Darlene said...

Beautiful photos, Ginny. You have a great eye for photographs.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Very beautiful Ginny!

Mary Bergfeld said...

How wonderful you were able to capture both the moon and the sunset.They are beautiful photos, Ginny. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Alice said...


Tanna said...

Oh, Ginny, the sky is so beautiful in these shots, but the moon in the last post.... well, it quickened my heart in real life!! It was simply breathtaking! So, I was happy to see reminders of that gorgeous sight. ;) blessings ~ Tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first thought that hit my mind when the header opened was Glory glory, I even said it out loud. these photos shout glory Hallelujah, all of them. the moon is pretty but it is the sun that makes me happy and wanting to sing glory glory Hallelujah

Anonymous said...

You got the most beautiful views! Oh, to be there at that point of time! Beauty from all sides...must have been a wonderful feeling!

Karin said...

And the Lord God made them all - such beauty for our enjoyment. And the moon reflects the glory of the sun! You've got some amazing photos here Ginny! Thanks for sharing them with us! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I am so glad you are back. You were missed and I hope you are feeling better.
Jean in Memphis

Reanaclaire said...

hey Ginny, glad to see you back to blogging.. sorry that i have not been coming by lately.. i was so busy with my work each day! Housework, office work.. kids' work.. hhahaaa... all occupying my time.. phew.. but i m thankful to our God through it all..

Lynn said...

Such awesome photos. Beautiful words. Excellent post my friend. Hope this find you feeling well. Missed you. Blessings.

Shug said...

Morning Ginny....Have I told you how happy am that you are back? Well, I am...
The pictures are so good...Great views of some beautiful light!
Have a great day and you and Phil stay out of trouble! smile!!

Remington said...

BEAUTIFUL shots, my friend!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That sunset is gorgeous. Like God saying goodnight in a special way.

Stephanie V said...

Really lovely composition. A wonderful end to the day.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

These are just awesome photos, Ginny! Love your new blog look. Hope you're feeling much better now.
Be sure to stop by my blog, I have something there for you! :D

Neal said...

I love it! Those are very pretty along with your moon shots below.

Terra said...

Great photos and I like the Scripture here about the Father of Light. I see you have the word Shine in your blog name and last year I chose the word Shine as my word for the year. I am your new follower.

George said...

How wonderful to be between these two glorious sights.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Each is beautiful and cascading in their glory...so true

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Ginny, No matter which direction you turned, you saw God's beauty... wow!!!!!

Love the sunset photos --but I still think your moon ones are the best of anyone.


Bobbie said...

Just beautiful!!

Ann said...

All of those are wonderful shots but the 4th one gets a double wow

Lynn said...

Hi Ginny, Forgot to tell you that the purple flowers on my blog yesterday are mums. Aren't they beautiful? Hope you are feeling ok today.

S. Etole said...

Those last two are simply stunning!

RoeH said...

What great photos. I'm going to follow you around. So pretty.

Fred Alton said...

Very beautiful, Ginny. Just like your life - the light is shining all around whereever you are.

LV said...

Glad you are doing okay and back sharing such inspiring post. Blessings to you for better days to come.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Do you remember the Ship Rena that grounded in our water three months ago? It has split into two, almost sunk completely and littering the sea and beach with containers and food stuff.

Rose said...

Ginny, these are fabulous...just breathtaking.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Ginny -- and, as always, you find such appropriate Scripture verses to go with your lovely photos!

Happy New Year to you! :)

Chatty Crone said...

Isn't God amazing - that is all I can think about when I see the moon and realize the affect it has on the earth. But what is beautiful is your granddaughter on the drums - she is so happy! sandie

DawnTreader said...

Love the last two especially, with the silhouettes of the grass or flowers in the foreground.

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