Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Ones Who Worry

 Take a close look at these dolls. Are they sleeping, maybe in pain? No, they are worrying! Meet the Guatemalan Worry Dolls, also called Trouble Dolls. I found these in a store yesterday and was interested in them. They are very small, about three inches high, and hand sewn by the people who live in the highlands of Guatemala. According to folklore, you tell each doll a worry in bed, then put it under your pillow. The doll will worry for you, leaving you free to sleep. Sometimes these dolls are used as therapy for children. This is a very old custom, and some families involve the children in making their own dolls. Little dolls taking your worries away...but I think this is a better way.

“Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”
Philippians 4:6

I will be taking a blog break here on Friday, see you later on the weekend.


BlueShell said...

Good morning!!

I want a doll to worry for me! And they are very nice...

God Bless you...and have a wonderful day!

Joanne said...

I love these! I have seen them even smaller and you know me I love miniatures! these are so precious. I am always amazed how you achieve such clear close ups! Beautiful!
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

I have seen these before and they are very intriguing. I like things like this that relate to folklore and customs of another country. I can see using them with children who have trouble sleeping because of worries.

DawnTreader said...

Never seen or heard of these before. Interesting, the idea is not unlike the dream-catchers I blogged about back in the autumn. A physical aid to put bad things out of mind... Even when not believing in them one can see the therapeutical purpose, I think.

Anonymous said...

WOW Ginny that is so interesting ... I love to read and study old traditions, customs of others....but I am thankful that I do not have to have a "worry doll" for I have a Saviour, I have a Holy Spirit that comforts me day and night as I yield my "troubles" to him...thanks for the tibit on these beautiful people.

Bobbie said...

Worry is one of those things that we do automatically, without thinking and until I was enlightened by my pastor in a Sunday school lesson one day, I felt worry was not sin. When we worry we're not trusting or having faith that God will take care of it. But... I am guilty. I worry way more than I should!! I guess I need one of these dolls.. (don't you wish it were that easy?)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these would be great for children, i agree God is there to remove our worries, but i like the idea of the doll for a child, it would be something they could touch and hold. we would need to make sure the child knows to pray also. they are really cute and i thought they were big, so tiny so much detail.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am back, you know i consider myself the queen of google. they actually sell these on Amazon, 4 in a bag for 10.00 and they have other types also. google has a gazillion sites on these dolls.

Shug said...

Good Morning Ginny.....I don't think I have ever seen these before. Very interesting little dolls. Worry is a big word that keeps so many people held captive...What we must do is give these worries to God and let him give us peace.
have a Blessed day...hugs

Ruth Hiebert said...

THe dolls are cute,but only God can replace worry with peace.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

When I was a child, my mom bought me a tiny bag of worry dolls. Each was about the size of a quarter in height - and there were 6 of them. I loved them - the bag hung around my neck so I could carry them around.

LC said...

What an inspirational post, full of happy color and charm plus a reminder of a Living Person ready for us to give him our worries and know he cares and has everything all figured out for us if we are willing to let him handle it. Enjoy your holiday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, They are a beautiful craft product. Have a wonderful day.

Reanaclaire said...

This is something new to me.. dolls that take away our worries literally..

Alice said...

I think these are a great idea.

Lynn said...

I know of the folklore and tradition of these dolls, but have not seen this particular type of doll used. These are so colorful. I had a miniature set in a tiny box but like your so much better. However, I like your verse as the way to not worry much better than any doll. Thank you for wishing me a nice day with my son. It was that and more. Blessings.

Marie said...

I had never seen these dolls before today. It does seem that they would be helpful for children.
Have a great weekend Ginny!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh Ginny - I need one of those - lol - big time. sandie

Sharon said...

Never heard about these before, can see where it might help children.
Quite cute, so tiny!

Remington said...

I have never seen this before! Awesome! I will have to try and find them....

barbara l. hale said...

Love these little worry dolls. We have a Fair Trade Sale each year at our church and always sell these.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wish my sweet Mama had had those worry dolls when she was alive. She worried about EVERYTHING... I always told myself that I wasn't going to be like here in this respect... BUT-sometimes I do worry about things...

YES--we should give our worries to God for sure...


S. Etole said...

What cute little dolls in their colorful attire.

George said...

I have not heard of these before, but it sounds like a good idea. Sometimes folklore has great insights that we overlook. I could probably use a Worry Doll or two.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Worth a try :-). I really love these, but had never heard of them before reading your posts. Have a wonderful day, Ginny.

photowannabe said...

Fascinating application. I'm so glad I can give my worries to the Lord, but it seems at times I take them back again.
Terrific translation of Phil. 4:7.

Fred Alton said...

I'm glad my parents knew the Biblical recipe for worry and taught it to me at an early age! Altho - The concept for those who don't know the peace of God could be great therapy.

FilipBlog said...

A very good idea with the dolls. It is a type of therapy.


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Awwww what a sweet concept these little dolls hold.

So true, if we simply did what we are suppose to do and cast our cares and burdens on HIM, we'd have no worries.

God bless ya and have a great weekend sweeite!!! :o)

BlueShell said...

Oh...I said Good morning...and now i say: have a good night sleep!
Nice dreams...

Ann said...

Well I think I'll rely on God to take care of my worries but I do like the idea of the dolls. I think they would be a great gift for someone who might be going through a rough time.

Lady Jane said...

I have one of these dolls that my DIL gave to me a few years ago. I am a worrier and she thought it would help me. Ha I still worry, lol.... Nice concept though. Hugs. LJ

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your cute dolls.i could use one

Shanda said...

Love those worry dolls. So sweet

Nikki (Sarah) said...

oh Ginny this is soo good. I just read someone else's blog on not worrying. okay...message here from God....stop the worry.

Judy Royal Glenn said...

Good blog post:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

They don't seem to be knitted dolls, but cut from jute cloth.

Imagine, the day comes, when everyone comes to know the Lord, and bring all his worries to God, these poor makers, and the middle men making a big buck will be out of business.

Rose said...

I had not seen would like making them. My girls used to use toothpicks and embroidery thread to make these little dolls...I don't know where they learned to do them and don't remember how they did them.

Arti said...

These dolls are so pretty, even though they are worrying!!!
And what a tradition, what a way to keep your troubles at bay!!!
I am just slowly getting back to blogging myself after a break.
Have a wonderful day Ginny:)

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful verse! Much better to put this under our pillow than a worry doll! But better yet to keep it always on our minds and on the tip of our tongues!

Together We Save said...

Oh I could use a worry doll! Sounds like a great relief.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I need these dolls! but better need to remember the scripture you had here

Reena said...

Interesting Ginny. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

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