Friday, January 13, 2012

Hanging On

"Remember what you said to me, your servant - I hang onto these words for dear life! These words hold me up in bad times; yes, your promises rejuvenate me."
Psalm 119

Last summer, I looked outside, and something had opened up the suet feeder, gotten inside, and taken the suet! A few days later, something had taken the whole thing off the hook and dragged it along the ground, again stealing the suet. My friend suggested a raccoon, because they are good with their little hands. But in nearly thirty years, we have never seen one around here. I bought a new suet feeder that can't be unlatched. Then yesterday, I believe I spotted the culprit. Not able to open or remove it anymore, all he could do was try his best and hang on. Well, anyone who goes to that much trouble deserves a little reward! And after all, it's a tough world out there, we are all just hanging on.

"Never again will death have the last word. When Jesus died, he took sin down with him, but alive he brings God down to us...God speaks your mother tongue and you hang on every word. You are dead to sin and alive to God. That's what Jesus did."
Romans 6


SquirrelQueen said...

Imagine my surprise when I opened you blog and there was a squirrel in your header staring back at me! He is so cute.

They are determined little fellows and will work hard to get the food. Looks like that feeder will stay in place. Maybe the birds will get a little now and then too.

DawnTreader said...

What a terrific series of photos! Wonderful! - And you'd better hang on too! :) ♥

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh isn't he rotten and funny? :-)

From the Kitchen said...

Well, he (she?) is a little cutie and certainly deserves a reward after all that hard work. Our Oliver thinks it's his duty to keep our yard squirrel free!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am GOL giggling out loud, thanks to Judy for the GOL idea instead of LOL. this is priceless and makes me grin from ear to ear. he is trying so hard to crack that box, squirrels are so much fun to watch, but not while eating Bob's avocado's...they also eat the flowers before they can turn into fruit. these are precious and I know

Tanna said...

LOL! Yes, indeed, we are all just hanging on the best we can... and he is sure a fine example of doing that! LOL! blessings ~ Tanna

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think the little thief has a guilty look in the header shot. They sure don't give up easy,do they?
Thanks so much for always pointing our thoughts toward God's word. It is in God's word that we find all that we need for life. Hugs to you,my friend.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It is funny how persistent the squirrel is!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

as always...great pics and words. Love the shots of the little culprit. Hope you're feeling completely great again. Stay strong okay....and have a great weekend.

Filip said...

What a cute little squirrel. Love your header picture.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Looks like one of those stunts the make the constants do on that Survivor Island show.

Hope you are doing okay!

RoeH said...

How funny! Those little guys are smart.

pam said...

Squirrels are crazy little things. I saw a beautiful copper dome that you can put over feeders to help keep the squirrels off. It looked like 5 giant leaves was so gorgeous but we don't have feeders out right now so I passed it by. We used to put corn cob feeders in the far corner of our lot at our old house...trying to keep them away from our feeders. Right now our neighbor hood is rather new and we don't have so many yet.....YET. But they are a reality of life aren't they.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, you captured the intent and determination of that squirrel to break open that feeder with your camera! Great shootin'.

Annie Jeffries said...

That little stinker. They are just so relentless, aren't they?

Hootin Anni said...

This just absolutely brought out the giggles in me!

Anonymous said...

I admire the determination of squirrels! Cute pics.

photowannabe said...

Persistent and relentless for sure. I love the picture of the squirrel with hi eyes closed. I can almost hear the grunt and groan as he tries to hang on.
A perfect illustration with the scripture Ginny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Sooo cute! Sooo funny! So sorry! I have had similar experiences at my former home so I know what you are going through with our wonderful but highly irritating little furry friends. Have an excellent day and a most pleasant Sunday tomorrow!

Karin said...

I've always loved the antics of squirrels! What a busy little guy and you have been so gracious to give him his day in the limelight! He sure is hanging on! He is a cute little mischief maker!! Thanks for sharing all the fun photo - but above all the Good Word!

Stephanie V said...

I see what you mean! Too funny that we both had squirrelly posts today.

George said...

I see that Virginia squirrels are as acrobatic as Tennessee squirrels. These are great pictures.

LC said...

Squirrels are determined, we learned when they gnaed their way through a screen door AND into a ice chest where we had temporarily stored sunflower seeds on our screened porch.So, remember the squirrel's determination and keep hanging on!

Ann said...

Well isn't he the determined little fellow. I love the picture of him climbing up to the top of it with his eyes closed. Do you suppose that he paused to say a little prayer there? :)

S. Etole said...

What persistent little critters they are!

Bobbie said...

Oh, this is such a neat post Ginny.. you're right, we are all hanging on! And these pictures are great!!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay you and me sister have the same type of squirrel issues - I still have the same squirrel in my attic for months now - I blame it on my hubs though. Yours was cute - but determined. Sandie

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh those pesky squirrels... I'm sorry to say this but I can't stand them... I buy birdfood for my BIRDS--not for the squirrels. SO--I'm constantly hollering at them to get off of the deck... They can eat anything they want to on the ground --but not on the deck!!! (I'm mean!)

I still think it was a raccoon who took your suet.. Squirrels don't usually like suet--or pay any attention it. They can't use their 'hands' like raccoons can. Raccoons come out only at nights...


Marie said...

I LOVE your header! These are some of the cutest pics I've ever seen! He is such a cute squirrel and the pic where he's climbing and he closed his eyes are precious! This is a great series Ginny!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Ginny, I was in the second group, the self financed group. By th etime it was my time, the scholarship ceased.

The photos, that's me with my flatmates. May be you didn't recognise me, more than 30 years ago. Even a guy who was there as our flatmate a year ago, couldn't recognise the others.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Could it be I was standing very near the door under a covered building front, that I don't get the rain drops?

BlueShell said...

Wonderfull post: important words!
God bless you both!
Have a great, shiny sunday!

Mary Bergfeld said...

You are dangerous when you have that camera in hand. What a fabulous series of photos, Ginny. Years ago I had a boss who use to say, "when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." I've been hanging on ever since. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Tracy said...

those little varmints...they make me so angry when they interfere with my birds! But then again, they are God's creatures and are cute in their own rite...

Gloria Baker said...

Love it! what nice pictures, sooo cute!!:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, your shots are wonderful! You even got one shot with the culprit's eyes closed! Loved them all!!

Shug said...

I just wanted to reach through the screen and help the little fella...So cute! Great pictures Ginny...I sure hope today finds you feeling great..

Dawning Inspiration said...

Such great shots! Love it all!

Darlene said...

Who would've thought that a little squirrel would get you so many comments? Those squirrels don't like to give up. We thought we could out smart the little dickens, but we lost our battle!

Joanne said...

Man they are sneaky and smart!
We had one that would climb up our bird feeder and no matter what I tried he would figure out a way to get his prize! These pictures are great!
Blessings, Joanne

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I enjoyed your squeirrle photos, too, Ginny! We both had great minds that thought alike :)

Thank you for your condolences on the loss of my Mother. They are greatly appreciated. I know you understand all the feelings I've been going through these past ten days.

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