Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gracie Owns Me

On Friday, we had the wonderful pleasure to be able to meet two blog friends who I have never met before! It is always so exciting to meet followers for the first time! Meet Gary and Bobbi, from the blog Gracie Owns Me. They were passing through town, and we met to have lunch at a local restaurant. It was like we were always friends. These two wonderful people are warm, thoughtful, and fun to be with! And both have a great sense of humor!! Bobbi's blog is about her daily life, told first from her point of view, then from her little dog Gracie's point of view. And very often Gracie's viewpoint of things does not agree with her mistress! I will admit that Gracie DID own me from the first time I ever read her Bobbi's blog. If you are so inclined, stop over and say hi to her from Ginny. You will always get a good laugh or learn something interesting.

"Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul".
Proverbs 27:9


SquirrelQueen said...

How exciting it must be to meet fellow bloggers. It would be like getting together with friends. I'll have to go over and visit Gracie and her mom.

Joanne said...

Oh how wonderful! Ever since I started blogging I have wondered what it would be like to meet my blogger buddies! I hope to one day meet some. I am so glad you had a good time!
Blessings, Joanne

Reanaclaire said...

hey, it must be wonderful meeting up with bloggers and especially they are so nice too!! Glad you all have a good time and fun together...

BlueShell said...

well done: that was very nice.
Meeting other blogger is fantastic!
have a nice Sunday.

Darlene said...

How fun to meet fellow bloggers! I've not been fortunate to meet any of my bloggy friends yet, but, maybe someday. I love your new header photo!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How fun that you got to meet up! I hope that you and I cross paths sometime soon :-)

RoeH said...

Isn't that the most interesting thing? It's exactly like you've always known each other and not uncomfortable in the least. Funny. Glad you had this happen.

Ruth Hiebert said...

How special to meet blog friends.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so jealous, you are always meeting your blog friends, and i have only met one of mine. looks like you were all having fun. will pop over and meet gracie since you know i love all things canine. so glad you got to meet them

S. Etole said...

Looks like time to meet Gracie! Glad you had such a fun meeting.

Hootin Anni said...

Their smiles that you captured are so pleasant and appealing. What I would say...'contagious' as I'm smiling right back at 'em.

Nice to meet online friends for the first time, and I hope that the friendship was kindled and grows with time.

Loved your post.

From the Kitchen said...

I love meeting blog friends!! Looks like Rowe's?? Have a great weekend.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

How awesome is that to meet a bloggin' friend. Will have to hop over to her blog.

I pray your day is blessed and GOD keep you safe.

Anonymous said...

Good for you guys! Meeting someone you have developed a friendship with over the Internet is always so exciting...I have had the pleasure of meeting five Internet was wonderful! I had three blogs at one time, I had made Abby Girl, my mini schnauzer a blog for her point of view of life with humans but it was demanding to much of my time and I would sacrifice prayer time, bible study time to attend the three blogs...I deleted two of them and was going to deleter The Joy of Denim and Lace but the LORD instructed me to keep this one....
Just thought of you and wanted to wish you a most wonderful day.... Hugs from Arkansas

George said...

We know from personal experience how wonderful it is to meet blog friends in person. I'm glad you had an enjoyable time together.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Ginny, Isn't it fun to meet blog friends in person. You and I definitely know how great that is!!!!!!

Bobbi and Gary seem like a really nice couple. I've never seen her blog --but it sounds neat!!!

Great photos..

Have a great Sunday.

Sharon said...

How nice to meet blogging friends! Yes, Bobbi has quite the interesting blog! Poor Gracie, always left home to 'guard the fort', was she along this time? :-) It sounds like you had a wonderful visit!

photowannabe said...

There is nothing like meeting blogging friends face to face. I love it.
I'm so glad you had the opportunity. they look like lovely people. I'm on my way over to their blog right now.

Ann said...

I would love to meet in person some of the bloggers that I've gotten to know. I'll go check out her blog right now

Deborah said...

That must have been soooo cool! They look like nice people!

Marie said...

How exciting Ginny! I'm so happy for you all! I hope to meet some blogging friends someday. :)

FilipBlog said...

It is always fun to meet blog friends. I sometimes take pictures together with one of my blog friends and I know 4 of them in person.


Tracy said...

Ginny, how fun and exciting! I enjoy Bobbi's blog as well and so neat you were able to meet! Thanks for sharing the wonderful photo :)

Karin said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! Seems like quite a few folks have been blessed that way. Great shot of you all! Have a great week!

barbara l. hale said...

That's so great! One of the ways the internet is making this world smaller.

Chatty Crone said...

That is so wonderful isn't it to meet the people we talk too. Looks like you had a good time Ginny.
I looked at your new header today - gorgeous - and the words you have there- how you view God in every day life.
For a minute I thought that the flower was how you saw God - to tell you the truth - some days I do see Him in flowers.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, How nice for you. Glad you had a pleasant visit in person with a nice blog friend. Have a super good day tomorrow and a great coming week!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

How neat to get to meet a bloggy friend! Your photos are great! I'll check out her blog. Glad you had a fun visit!

Anonymous said...

What a treat to meet a blogger friend in person! Thanks for sharing your story -- and posting the great photo, too!

p.s. I love your header photo, by the way!

Lady Jane said...

I was so excited reading about you meeting Gary and Bobbi. I follow her blog also and this was so neat!!! Two of my favorite blogs and the writers got to meet. YAY.... Hugs. LJ

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh Yay! So exciting to meet blogging friends. We'll get there yet. Don has a 50th high school reunion in 2013 in Missouri. If we are that far, we are going to have to go just a bit farther since my sister is in Clarksville, West Virginia. That's just a hop, skip, and a jump from Virginia.

Lynn said...

I am intrigued and will stop over at Gracie's/Bobbi's blog. Such a lovely picture of the four of you. Blessings.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

such a fantastic time meeting a blogger friend in person. Now I will go over and say hi.

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