Monday, January 9, 2012

Hungry Like The Wolf

Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.  ~German Proverb

Last night I went out to take pictures of the sunset. And as I was snapping from the car window, Phil told me to look out his window. As the sun was setting on one side of the valley, the moon was rising on the other side! It was hard to choose, but I already had some sunset pictures which I will post next. So I turned my attention to the beautiful full moon. Well, it was still a day till it was full, but good enough for me. This is called the Full Wolf moon because in the midwinter, wolf packs howled with hunger outside the Indian villages. Sorry for so many pictures, I was totally moonstruck and had to delete many more than you are seeing! It was a tough choice! See what looks like a pen stroke over the moon in the sixth picture? It was actually part of a wispy cloud, several had started to cross it!

"God, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" …His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day.."
Psalm 91:1

I am so glad to be back and catching up with all my dear followers! Over the last weeks I have been away, I have been to the E.R., had three doctor appointments, and am having an MRI tomorrow. I am getting better, though! But, like many of you, I will not be posting and visiting every day like I had been for so long. I will still be around a lot, but will be visiting and posting more like three or four days a week, as I am able. And when I visit, I will catch up on what I have missed. So nothing much will really change, you will just have one less blog to read a few days a week! Wishing you all the best in the New Year and looking forward to seeing  more posts!


BlueShell said...

Beautiful moon, great words...
I'm fine, thank you!
Hope you are good, now!
I'll come again...Now I have tu run to work


SquirrelQueen said...

I'm moonstruck over your beautiful photos, I'm glad you posted them all. I suddenly have the urge to listen to Duran Duran. :)

It's good to have you back Ginny, I was getting worried about you. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ginny, so sorry to learn that you haven't been keeping well. Hope you feel much better soon. I missed you and quite a few times I checked to see whether there were any updates. So glad to see you again!! A few times a week is also good!

Totally love your moon shots! Glad you explained that "pen-stroke". I was wondering what it was. Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Moon. Glad to see you're back. lovely photos. Enjoy your day!


Melanie said...

So glad to see your post, Ginny. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I'll keep you in my prayers.
These pictures are beautiful! You take wonderful pictures!
Thank you for entering my giveaway. I'll put your name in! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ginny, I had been wondering where you were. I was hoping you weren't sick again like last summer (it was last summer, wasn't it?). So sorry to hear you've been ill. I hope that you heal soon. Take care and big hugs!

Alice said...

Those are so beautiful. I'm so sorry you've been sick:(

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

We are missing you and praying!!! I hope you will be back very soon and pray the MRI shows what the dr's need to know in order to help you along with the amazing physician "GOD".

Love the photos, 4 & 5 are my fav!

Bobbie said...

Wow! I just knew you would WOW us with moon pictures... being that the moon as been so big and beautiful lately.
I hope you will be feeling better very soon Ginny. I will be praying for you in my morning prayers... I must say I was concerned when you stayed away for a while even though I knew you were on break. Glad you're back. TAKE CARE!

RoeH said...

Again, gorgeous moon! Wish I could take a picture of it. Hope you are feeling up and back to yourself soon and forever.

From the Kitchen said...

So good to hear from you! I've missed you and glad to hear that you're getting better. Take good care my friend.

You know how much I like seeing your moon and sun photos--especially when there's a mountain involved.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

super duper moon shots and each one is different and a different color, cameras amaze me at what they see. this morning when we came out of the gym at 6:20 the moon was right in front of us and there was a whole in the clouds and multi clouds and it was right in the hole. i just stood and stared. almost howled HAHA

Shanda said...

I'm so sorry you have been sick. An MRI?? What is wrong? I'll be praying for you and waiting on good news.
Love the moon photos. We have had some incredible beautiful sunset and night skies here in Southern California. I just never have my camera!

Marie said...

These moon shots are stunning Ginny! As soon as I read your post title thought of Duran Duran. ha ha!
I've looked at the moon the past three nights and thought I should be snapping pics now and never I never did.
I hope you're feeling better. Have a great week!

Ann said...

you always get the best moon shots.
Sorry about the health problems. I hope you are feeling better.

Beverly said...

Those are so beautiful, Ginny. As I was looking at the moon last night, I thought of you.

I'm glad you enjoyed the photos of Ella. I did enjoy my evening with you. Thanks for the drive around Staunton.

Rose said...

Oh, Ginny, what great pics to resume blogging with! They are just wonderful.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, I hope you are on the mend. Your photos are truly lovely and they are always appreciated. Take care of yourself and have a good day. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

Glad to see you back and feeling better!

Fred Alton said...

So glad to see you back here! Hope the MRI showed nothing that you didn't expect. The Lord Jesus is the Chief Physician and there is healing in His name. Praying for you.

djawadreang said...

wooooooo., the wof man :D

djawadreang said...

hi all., Can we exchange links.,? this my links., :
please replay there., :D

Karin said...

Good to see you back and posting. Trusting that the MRI will show exactly what is wrong and you'll receive treatment to fix it. Much better than always finding nothing, but the symptoms still continue. May the Lord touch you with His healing power.

What a gorgeous moon series! And so the months keep marching on!

Hubby started his hormone shots and pills last Saturday. Some side effects are showing up - as expected - but he seems to cope with them reasonably well. I have read that sometimes the treatment of the cancer is harder to take than the disease itself.

Myself, I'm in for a repeat segmental and sentinel node biopsy on Thursday, followed by the radiation treatments. Nothing new in between.

God can perform miracles and we are waiting upon Him for strength, grace and mercy every new day!
Thanks for always thinking of us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, You do take the best moon photos of anyone!!!! Love them all... It has been too cloudy here to see the moon much lately...

Take care of yourself. You are in my prayers... I find that blogging 3 days a week is working for me. I have two days to catch up with blog comments...Then I take the weekends off to work on my Family History...


Filip said...

Very special, it is rare to see pictures of the full moon, so clear and sharp.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You are following your talent for taking moon pictures. Excellent selections! So pretty. God is good. You are prayed for. Have a wonderful day today and a great day tomorrow, too!

Anonymous said...

Ginny these are beautiful captures of the moon....I love to stay outside at night and just watch the is so beautiful

Sharon said...

Great shots! Sure is pretty when it first comes up, isn't it? Haven't seen it yet - cloudy and rainy and will be for another three days, I think.

Sorry you haven't been well... I can never "catch up" after I am away for even a day.

Believe I caught a bug, my nose just runs and runs - and I have the chills, so I may be taking off, yet again, myself!

George said...

I"m glad to hear that you are feeling better.

These pictures of the moon are awesome. You did a marvelous job on each one.

Reena said...

Welcome back. I hope all is okay. Do take care of yourself! These photos are awesome. It has been weird to have the moon up before the sun is down.

S. Etole said...

It's so good to have you back, Ginny! The moon has been so striking the last couple of nights. My son heard the coyotes howling the night before last.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love your moon photos, Ginny! Great captures. Take care of yourself, I'll say a prayer for you.

Chatty Crone said...

You have the prettiest moon pictures ever - I have no idea how you do it. All the different colors!

You do whatever you have to do to take care of yourself. You are important.


Deborah said...

Ginny, these were great pictures and I will tell you why. Last night, when I saw the full moon I thought of you and honestly I was thinking that Ginny must be taking pictures of this full moon and you were!
I hope your OK. I wish I lived closer to you because I would be helping you out with your doctor visits and everything. I will pray for you that all your tests come back boring and normal...I hope your OK.

PS I have a doctor say to me, your tests results are boring...go home! LOL

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Glad to have you back...yes post when you can

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The big bad wolf, a fearful animal in all culture.

Sam is going for his surf lessons this sunday. I have not used the video, my husband just bought a new camera, he might play with it and make videos. Surfing is harder than wind surfing, but he likes it.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, the moon shots are spectacular -- and the ones with the landscape in contrasting colors are very artistic -- great composition!

I haven't been able to spend much time on the computer lately and am just now catching up a little bit. So sorry to learn of your health problems. I will keep you in my prayers. I always enjoy commenting back and forth between our blogs; you're quite an inspiration to me!

God bless you and return you to good health! :)

DawnTreader said...

Sorry to hear you have not been well. I can understand the need for you to cut down. I think we all tend to keep an eye on our 'favourites' though, whether they post daily or more rarely. I may have to try and find a better balance myself between posting and visiting. Your moon pictures are wonderful as always.

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 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...