Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Days

Come along with me on a trip back to the 50's. I will treat you to a chocolate malt and play an Everly Brothers song on the jukebox for you. Or maybe you would rather hear Paul Anka or Bobby Darin. Be sure and wear your saddle shoes. Our blog friends Bobbi and Gary were passing through town yesterday, so we met at Wright's Dairy Rite. I thought I would show them a little local color. Wright's hasn't changed since 1952. They still have car hops come out to your car with food. Some of the tables have their own little jukeboxes, then there is this big beauty. There are phones at every table, and you pick them up and dial to order. You can sit at the bar, a table, or a booth. There are signed pictures on the wall of famous people who have eaten there like Lynyrd Skynard, the Statler Brothers, and various politicians. And if you stay long enough and look hard enough, you just MAY see the ghost of The Fonz heading for his bike with Pinky Toscadaro.

Don't always be asking, "Where are the good old days?"
Wise folks don't ask questions like that.
Ecc. 7:10


Unknown said...

I love how photos can instantly take you for a trip down memory road - your's surely have done that for me, Ginny! Love that Scripture too, so true but I don't think it ever really stood out to me before - thanks sweet friend!

Shug said...

This is really a neat place! What fun you guys must have had...Love all the pictures....These were the good ol' days!

Dawning Inspiration said...

What a fun place! Love it!
And - like the meanings of those words back then, too!!

Heyyyyyyy - from the Fonz! ;o)

Glenda said...

I'd love to visit this fun place! I can almost taste a burger, fries and a strawberry milkshake! Love your pics; you captured the place well!

Karin said...

If Wright's hasn't changed since '52 and they are still doing great in 2012, they've been doing something right!! Some things cannot be improved upon! So fun to meet up with a fellow blogger! Blessings!

Nature Rambles said...

Fun to see these photos Ginny. And how lovely to meet up with a blog friend. Loved your header photo...most inviting!

Marie said...

Those pics are really cool! The slang words are funny! Did they film some of Happy Days there??
Very fun post Ginny!

George said...

This place is so neat. We ate at a similar cafe in Albuquerque, and it was a marvelous experience.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What fun. I especially liked the translation you provided for us. Have a wonderful evening, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

SquirrelQueen said...

What a great place to meet up with a blogging friend. The decor is amazing. It would be like stepping back in time. What amazed me was I knew all the slang terms.

Hootin Anni said...

Such a wonderful, cheerful, fabulous post. Boy do all these images bring back memories of my youth. You've gone and done it now Ginny...I'm singing "Sunday Monday...Happy Days".

Sorry I'm so late in getting over to visit with you since you left your comment in my blog ...I've been feeling poorly with a bout of the flu. Hope your week has been treating you well, and I wanted to thank you for stopping by.

My newest post if you care to view: REDHEADS

Tanna said...

Oh, I would LOVE to visit there, Ginny! So glad you were able to enjoy a visit with blog friends! blessings ~ Tanna

Alice said...

I love the verse you used with this one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love it, wish i could meet you there, oh yes i do. to see it with my sis would be wonderful. all those slang words i still use, did not know they were old slang, just my normal talk. i also use cool and neat. guess i am OLD... who would thunk it?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Cute place! :-)

momto8 said...

what a fun place!

Remington said...

I would LOVE to go there! Awesome!

Linda said...

Love your photos, Ginny! I would really enjoy this place. It takes me back in time. Thanks for sharing.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh darlin', this fantastic!!! Gee, I wanna put in an order for a chocolate ice cream soda and some curly fries!!! Shhhh, we won't tell Dr. Whitecoat! Heeehehehe!

What a fun place to visit sweetie. I do remember the 50's slang for sure.

God bless and have a marvelous day sweetie!!! :o)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh fun!

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny,
I love the vintage collection of items this rest. has!
Your weeping cherries are beautiful!
I haven't seen any yet!

Lynn said...

Oh silly me! I saw your first post, thought I would "figure out the answer to where/why and left your blog to "research". Let's just say I visited Gracie's blog, then googled diners in Va/MD and then down another whole road as I love, love, love diners myself! Somehow I never came back to comment on your post!!! I did not have the name correct so did see this diner listed but went past it.....my sense of direction stinks to begin with, hehe. This looks like so much fun and bet you had a "blast" meeting another blogger. We stopped at a diner in PA, off I-81 near Scranton and it was a blast. We even had a "show" by the waitresses who danced the "hop" and "twist" in between orders. Don't think I have pictures, I must have been famished to leave my camera in the trunk that time! Ginny, promise me, if we get back to VA sometime you and I and hubbys will do a diner together! Hugs.

FilipBlog said...

I occasionally use to watch the Tv serie Happy Days and I liked it. Maybe it was because of the dancing.


Lady Jane said...

Memories memories... Our spot which is no longer there was the A&W... I bet Bobbi and Gary really enjoyed themselves.. My guy on the juke was Gene Pitney...Oh how I loved his music!!!.... Good post, thanks... LJ

Lady Jane said...

Memories memories... Our spot which is no longer there was the A&W... I bet Bobbi and Gary really enjoyed themselves.. My guy on the juke was Gene Pitney...Oh how I loved his music!!!.... Good post, thanks... LJ

Ann said...

what a neat place. that is so cool with the phones to place your order.

Bobbie said...

This place is awesome! My only regret is that I forgot to look around to see who (famous) had been there before AND I didn't play a song on the jukebox! Thanks for introducing us to this place. I got a real kick out placing our order over the phone. The food was great... almost as good as the company. ..loved seeing you and Phil!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I loved the 1950's but perhaps that because I was very young and had others to do for me. Still, I feel we appreciated everything much more and people displayed friendship easier. Blessings to you.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the music from the 50's and 60's! Neat looking diner! I grew up during that time, so I love going down memory lane in a diner like this one!

Chatty Crone said...

You know if I could or had the money - I would set up a diner in the west some where - I think that would be so much fun to do.

Love, sandie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a neat place! Must have been born in the fifties as I use much fo the same slang...lol! ;)

Rose said...

There used to be a drive in not far from here called Jim's Sugar Island...I sometimes wish it were still there and others I am thankful it isn't.

LC said...

Cool post!

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 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...