Wednesday, August 23, 2017

On The Highway

We passed this on the highway a few days ago. It is actually at the entryway of a garden center.

“There will be a highway called the Holy Road. No one rude or rebellious is permitted on this road. It’s for God’s people exclusively— impossible to get lost on this road. Not even fools can get lost on it. No lions on this road, no dangerous wild animals— Nothing and no one dangerous or threatening.” 

Isaiah 35


Nancy Chan said...

These are pretty and they look something like our local lemon grass plant. Great find, Ginny. Have a beautiful day!

Small Kucing said...

Hello Ginny.

How are you and Phil? Hope you are keeping well.

Lol...the plant look like two big pom pom. 😍

George said...

I'm not sure what these are, but they are certainly eye-catching!

Linda said...

Those are pretty amazing!! Big prickly green balls!!!!

DawnTreader said...

Love the look of these. Just from the images I feel tempted to touch them but I suspect perhaps they're really quite the opposite kind when one gets closer...??

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are very striking plants. They are sure to get your attention.

Ann Thompson said...

Don't know what those are but I like them

Bobbie said...

Very pretty and different! You find the most unique discoveries in your travels.

Rose said...

I love them, whatever they are!

Carla from The River said...

Cool!! Are they a palm?

UplayOnline said...

Hope you are keeping well.


Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...