Tuesday, August 8, 2017

School Days

School started today! When I was growing up, we had almost three months of summer vacation, but those days are gone with the wind. The only entire month the kids have off now is July. Dara and Anne Marie both started new schools today! Anne Marie is now in middle school and Dara started grade school. Jazz is still in pre-school. 

We went over after school today to talk with them about their first day.

When Anne Marie graduated from grade school, she made this biography page to put on the auditorium bulletin board.

“Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways.”
Psalm 25


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Whatlovely grand children you have Ginny

crafty cat corner said...

You are so blessed Ginny to have three beautiful Grand daughters.

DeniseinVA said...

Love the photos of your sweet grandchildren Ginny, and the one with you and the girls is also lovely :) Anne Marie did a fine job on her biography page. Great series of photos, a bench I would love in our garden and cute yard ornaments too. Amazing that school has started already. In our area I believe it is August 28th. I always remembered it was in September when our son attended but that was many years ago. How time flies!

Andrea said...

Awwww, what sweet sweet little girls. The pictures are beautiful! School days, school days, good ole golden rule days. God bless~ Andrea xoxo

From the Kitchen said...

Wishing all of your beautiful girls a great school year. I remember those long Virginia summers. We always went back to school the Monday after Labor Day.


Nancy Chan said...

They are beautiful girls! You are so blessed, Ginny! Have a fantastic day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my mind is trying to wrap around the fact Anne Marie is in Jr High. yowsa how time flies and all three of them look so cute and sweet and so does grandma... we had 3 months off to. but the only days during the school year we were off, were 5 major holidays. now they have so many days off they have to make them up. we had Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July, Labor Day

George said...

It seems strange to me to start school in August -- it's still very hot and humid during the day. But I suppose schools are air-conditioned these days. I hope the girls all have a wonderful school year.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe Ginny - what a lovely family you have. You know Andy lives here but I want to hear his first day stories too - and he is 16!

Carla from The River said...

Fun photos.
You are right, school seems to be all year around now a days.

Tamago said...

Love the wood bench in the header photo! Your grandchildren are all so adorable. The biography page Anne Marie made looks wonderful! I hope they enjoy the school days!

Unknown said...

Can't believe it's that time already! Your sweet girls are growing up so fast!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That is a great picture of you and your sweet granddaughters, Ginny. It's hard to believe it's school time again. I remember when I was in school we started after Labor Day and got out of school at the end of May. I hope your grands enjoy their time at school this year.

Karen said...

Precious little ones! I love the poster. That will be something to keep and treasure.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She did a great job on her poster. Mine go back next week. We did get a little over two solid months off.

Ann Thompson said...

Wow, they start back early. I rhink they go back the 28th here.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Back to school already? Here we don't go back till September 5th.I'm sure your girls will enjoy school and do well.

Rose said...

So hard to believe Anne Marie is old enough to be in middle school.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Happy to see you and your grands

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