Monday, August 28, 2017

Well, Well

There are a lot of wells in front yards around here.

This one is a working fountain. The water comes out the bottom of the can, and must recycle back around.

“The woman said, “Sir, give me this water so I won’t ever get thirsty, won’t ever have to come back to this well again!”
John 4


MadSnapper said...

I have only seen one here, down the street from us, but on a busy corner so have no pics of it. I like the little girl in the red dress. can't pick a favorite, but I like the ones with water coming out.

Tamago said...

They all look very pretty, especially the fountain! I wonder if they are all decorative or maybe used when necessary. My dad told me they used well when he was a child. It's a long, long time ago.

George said...

The 'well' fountain is really neat, but all the wells are beautiful.

Lady Jane said...

We had a wishing well in our yard when I was a kid. Now I have a light house that hides the well head. I suppose a wishing well would have been more appropriate but I love the ocean and the light house reminds me of the ocean. Hugs, LJ

Chatty Crone said...

I am for the well in the header - GORGEOUS!

Bobbie said...

You are so interesting, Ginny, Always something new. Love the wells and love the scripture even more!!

Ann Thompson said...

I like these. I've seen a few around here

LV said...

Another great find. You do not see many of those around here. If you, it is just for decoration.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful displays. I like the working one, it would sound good as well as look good.

Rose said...

I like these...

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely collection of wells. I see them around here occasionally.

They're Baaaack!

 First, we did not get together with family today because of illness in the family. But we hope to get together very soon and I will post ph...