Tuesday, August 22, 2017


O.K., what's up with these spoons that McDonald's is giving out?  Here is the spoon that we each got with our ice-cream tonight. I cannot figure out the reason for the design! The handle is hollow, but it is not a straw because both ends are not open. There are holes in the back...well, see for yourself.

“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons..”. ~T. S. Eliot 


Reanaclaire said...

hmmm.. not sure why, must be a purpose for designing so. Maybe to attach to something... I wonder if my McD here have the same design? :)

crafty cat corner said...

Don't mention McDonalds Ginny, it is my favourite meal of all time even if they say its' junk food. lol
As for the spoon, who knows, I have no idea. Ask next time you go.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I looked it up for you and the answer is, to put the whipcream on after they put the lid on, click on this link and you will see the video... thank you google girl for finding the answer for Ginny

Unknown said...

Oh, I wondered the same thing! Thanks Sandra, for figuring it out for us!

LV said...

Sorry, I would have no idea as I seldom go to fast food places. HAVE NOT BEEN HERE IN A LONG TIME.

Chatty Crone said...

I looked at the answer on the video - gosh who knew???? that!!!!!!!!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

As long as I am able to scoop up that ice-cream,I don't really care how the spoon looks.Did I mention that I love ice-cream?

Tamago said...

How interesting! I first thought you'd put liquid and freeze, so that the spoon would be nice and cold for cool treats. But then it has holes, so that's not the case. I saw comments above. Glad the mystery is solved :-)

Nancy Chan said...

I haven't been to the MacD for a long time. Don't know whether they are using the same kind of spoons.

DeniseinVA said...

I love ice-cream but have not had one of these. Must remember next time we got to McD's. Don't usually go unless we are traveling. That spoons is something else, thank you Sandra for putting us in the know.
A fun post Ginnie, enjoy the rest of your week :)

Ann Thompson said...

I haven't gotten any ice cream from McDonalds. I'm going to have to go watch the video Sandra mentioned

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Haven't seen one of those yet!

Small Kucing said...

Thanks Sandra for the answer. Interesting. 1st time seeing this

Rose said...

Interesting...I have never gotten one so had not seen one.

Carla from The River said...

Ha, let us know if you figure out the mystery of this spoon design.

UplayOnline said...

thank you google girl for finding the answer for Ginny


Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...