Saturday, August 5, 2017


Two things I like about Thistles. The first is that different kinds of insects love them.

And the second thing is when they go to seed. They burst open in huge puffs!

“I wonder why you care, God— why do you bother with us at all? All we are is a puff of air; we’re like shadows in a campfire.”
Psalm 144         


Linda said...

Beautiful! And I love the reasons you like them!

Karen said...

Beautiful! Have a blessed Sunday

Unknown said...

The color and texture is magnificent and your pictures make it so clear :) I won't pass a thistle by from now on without appreciating it! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enlarged the puffs and went back and forth several times trying to decide which two I love, 4 and 6 are my choice. I just LOVE the puffs and the seeds. they are so beautiful and I care not that they are weeds.

Ann said...

These are really pretty. The thistle I have by my shed is all puffs right now. It does look pretty either way

DeniseinVA said...

Those are beautiful photos Ginny. Great reasons to like thistles.

George said...

Your photos are beautiful Ginny, but it's obvious you never had to cut thistles out of a corn field before they went to seed! Hot work on a summer day.

Chatty Crone said...

I wonder about that myself sometimes Ginny.

crafty cat corner said...

Such a lovely post Ginny, loved the pictures.
I often think that we are just puffs, here one minute and gone the next. lol

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thistles have so much beauty.

Jeanne said...
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Jeanne said...

Nature is so amazing - I just can't get enough of it! Your pictures are great!

LV said...

Loved your thistle's show.

Rose said...

Great captures, Ginny!

Tamago said...

What a spectacular sight. Those puffs are so pretty! Contrast of white puffs and bright pink flowers is amazing. And your photos are amazing, Ginny!

Reanaclaire said...

Interesting information, I didn't know that till you said it here, Ginny! And you caught them at the right timing too..

Nancy Chan said...

They are beautiful and I love them too! Great bible verse!

L. D. said...

The photos are so great to see. The bees seem to like the blooms a lot.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Once again you shoe us with your lens that naturevcreated a beauty. Puffs eh?

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