He has the beginning of soft, velvety antlers!
“As the deer pants for
streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.”
Psalm 42
I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...
I love that Bible verse and made into a worship song as well... As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after You... You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship You...
You have captured some great poses of the deer. He is a young handsome deer as shown in the last 2 shots. That is one of my favourite verse! Have a blessed day!
He looks a bit thin Ginny, is this usual. Trust me to notice that. lol
I love the last photo, the full face view. so beautiful. I have never seen a deer in the wild, only in a zoo or animal farm... glad you missed them for your sake and their sake.
Beautiful! A youngster coming of age. And no, he's not too thin, Briony... he's just right. Blessings~ Andrea xoxo
If only the birds and butterflies would pose like that !! Great photos.
Lots of deer around here. I always drive a little slower at dusk when they seem more active.
Great photos as always my friend.
What a beautiful dear! I love the velvety antlers. How nice he posed for some pictures :-) We see dear from time to time. The other day, I saw a couple strolling in the area behind our home. I really hope they stay away from the road.
How wonderful Ginny, an unexpected encounter. You took amazing photos of this beautiful deer. Thank you for sharing him, you have brightened my day :)
Ginny, was that a baby with the small velvet antlers?
How nice of him to pose for you. I was thinking the same thing as Briony, that he looked a bit thin. But then I usually just see them running out in front of me in the early morning hours.
What a beautiful creature. He almost looks like a statue!
These are wonderful pictures. These guys don't usually wait for a picture to be taken.
Great shots, Ginny!
Isn't he very handsome?!!!
Glad to read those all were near misses....I wouldn't want to have road kill, or YOU TWO injured.
Lovely animal :)
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