Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Hair

Anne Marie is so good at styling her little sister's hair. She does all different kinds of styles. She recently made Dara's hair look like a bow!

I love Anne Marie's long hair. I took these pictures before she got it trimmed for summer. I stood over top of her. The pictures of Dara were taken by her mom.

“What matters is not your outer appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes—but your inner disposition.”

1 Peter 3 


Karen said...

I love for someone to brush my hair. That style that looks like a bow is fabulous!

Ann said...

WOW, that hairstyle she did on Dara is so cool. She's quite good at that. That first picture of Anne Marie made me think of a mermaid with her hair floating in the water :)

Andrea said...

I absolutely love the hair-bow. What precious pictures... of a precious child. <3

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ann Marie has a natural gift and I love that Beau style and I love the hair spread out to it makes a wonderful header maybe she is destined to be a hairdresser to the Stars

Linda said...

Beautiful hair! I'm having the Quads here today and I may try and do some fancy things with their hair! I won't be nearly as good as your Ann Marie!

crafty cat corner said...

Such beautiful thick hair and so clever to knot it up like that.

LV said...

How adorable. Love the header most of all.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful hair. Long hair are great and I us4d to have them too. Now I'm just thankful I still have a few hair.LOL

Tamago said...

Wow, Anne Marie is really good at styling hair! It is the skill I hopelessly lack. Dara's hair is so shiny and Anne Marie is adorable with her hair spread out :-)

Rose said...

It seems like you either have the knack for doing hair or you don't. I don't but Anne Marie sure does. I cannot believe how she has grown!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

What contrasting hair photos you present . Each has a beauty.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

She is very talented with hair styling Ginny

Reanaclaire said...

She is really creative! At such a young age, she can do designs on the hair!

Carla from The River said...


Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...