Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Stamps

We went to the Post Office to buy stamps today. I chose this Andrew Wyeth theme. Here are some of his paintings on the stamps. Which is your favorite? His most famous work is "Christina's World", which is the last one.

Christina was an actual woman he knew. For awhile, he had his studio in her house. She had a muscle disease similar to polio (notice her withered arm), and did not want to use a wheelchair. So she would drag herself around. One day Andrew looked out the window and saw her dragging herself toward the house, so the idea for this painting was born.

“He’s not impressed with horsepower; the size of our muscles means little to him. Those who fear God get God’s attention; they can depend on his strength.”

Psalm 147


crafty cat corner said...

Thanks for this post Ginny, you've made me look this artist up on google. I think the one that does it for me is the soaring bird.

Andrea said...

What a story about Christina! Amazing!! I think my favorite painting is the open-window one. I can almost feel the breeze. xoxo

George said...

I'm glad to know that these stamps are now available. I really like Christina's world. The fact that it was inspired by a real person makes it even more beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is the curtains in the window and the cow is second. I did not know they make stamps like this, I buy one book about once every 18 months, I don't use the mail, as you can tell. but I keep them for a once in a while thing

LV said...

A great artist that loved the outdoors. My choice between the curtain and the young lady.

Tamago said...

I didn't know the artist but his paintings are beautiful!
A bit heartbreaking to know the lady's condition but she must have had a very strong spirit not to use wheelchair. I like the birds and cow paintings but all of them look so lovely!

DawnTreader said...

I think I have seen that painting of the woman on the ground before, but I don't remember where. I don't think I've heard her story before. Interesting set of stamps!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Ginny, I love those stamps. It is the first time I have seen a photo of the artist. Must remember to get a set next time I go to the post office. Fascinating and very touching about Christina's story. She makes a great header photo, thank you for sharing.

Ann Thompson said...

Those are nice stamps. I think the one with the bluendoor is my favorite. Interesting story about Christina

Rose said...

Not sure which is my favorite...I think if I remember I will google and see more.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have not heard of him! I will google to see more. Love the ide of a real woman dragging herself around.....I get around good in a chair but see why she wouldn't. That is my fav but I like the curtains blowing also

Nancy Chan said...

I like the stamps. Not easy to choose a favourite. Soaring birds, cow, open window and the young lady. Have a wonderful weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh, I loved reading about the background of the Christina painting. She musta been a very proud gal.

Do you collect stamps?

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