Monday, December 17, 2018

A Gathering Of Angels

Something happened to the angels this year. There are not near as many as in previous years. We had to drive around a lot to find any at all! So here is my measly collection for this season.

That's right, only three! So I will add the little cardboard angels that I made.

“At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
Matthew 22


The Feminine Energy said...

Awwww.... dwindling angels. That makes me sad too. But I love the pics of the ones you did get, Ginny... and of course yours are the absolute cutest! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

Well that's rather sad that angels aren't being featured as much in Christmas displays.
Your cardboard ones are adorable.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking like our town is, there are plenty of blow up animals and other things that have nothing to do with Christmas. now that you mention it, I have not seen one angel. we do have 2 nativity and 1 star on our street. mostly snowmen and Big bird and Snoopy, stuff like that.

George said...

I wonder why there are fewer angels this year? The three you found are beautiful, as are the ones you made.

Chatty Crone said...

So do you believe we will know each other - as angels?

Tamago said...

Oh I wonder why there are not many angels this year. But the ones you found are all beautiful! And your cardboard angels are adorable :-)

Linda said...

I love Christmas Angels and have made so many in my time! Still a favorite decoration and a meaningful one.

Inger said...

I haven't been out in the evening to look at decorations, so I can't tell you how many angels there are in our town. But I have more than three right here at home. They are around all year not just Christmas angels.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They may be fewer in number, but they are still just as lovely.

Carla from The River said...

Well I like your little angels best.

DeniseinVA said...

Your cardboard cutout angels are darling Ginny, and for what you were able to find, your photos of the ones you found are great. Loved the quote also.

Rose said...

I need to go for a night drive...I don't think there is as many lit decorations as normal here either.

Small Kucing said...

Havent been Christmas hunting yet this year. Still doesnt have the Christmass mood but some shopping mall have already started selling stuffs for Chinese New Year. Wayyyy too fast forward for me

Nancy Chan said...

The few angels you managed to find are very nicely done. I like your cardboard angels too, so cute!

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