Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Here are some Christmas decorations we passed that I am pretty sure are home made. Wooden trees and a tree stand to pretend to sell them.

A snowman made with pillows.

Presents made from planks of wood..

And a blast from the past, the bicycle Christmas tree!

Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone – Charles M. Schultz


Ruth Hiebert said...

Those are interesting ideas. I especially like the plank presents.

Chatty Crone said...

Someone has worked very hard on those unique decorations....

DeniseinVA said...

I love to see how people decorate the front of their homes, people are very clever and creative. That tree of bicycles is very imaginative.

Ann said...

I have one of those pallet trees. A guy that Wade used to work with made a couple out of the pallets they had at work. It never got put up because Wade said we didn't have the kind of lights he wanted for it and it was imposible to get him to the store to go buy them. Maybe I'll put it out this year. Mine isn't painted it's just the plain wood.

crafty cat corner said...

I like that, its different. Someone has thought outside of the box.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the fact they are upcycling the pallets and doing a good job of it. the bike tree is amazing. would never have thought of any of the decorations. very creative and I like them all. better than spending a fortune on decorations that come out once a year. I thought the pillow snowman was white garbage bags, and that makes me think it would be easy to create one like this either way

Reanaclaire said...

Oh, for a moment, I thought the snowman was a Halloween figurine.. LOL... indeed very creative too!

George said...

That bicycle Christmas tree is really neat -- as are the other decorations you've shown.

Tamago said...

This is a nice handmade decoration! I like the pillow snowman. So creative :-)

Inger said...

Those are great! I like the trees and love the sad looking snowman. People are so creative, aren't they?

LV said...

Definitely unique and interesting.

Rose said...

I love those trees! And the snowman made wit stuffed garbage bags...

Carla from The River said...

I like the yard, what a fun idea they did. Can you take a photo of it at night all a twinkle?

Nancy Chan said...

It is wonderful to see that these people are so blessed with so many creative ideas in their Christmas decorations. They are all so special in their own way. Have a lovely day!

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