Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Journey & The Storm

We got about a foot of snow today. In fact, the state of Virginia has been declared an emergency. Yesterday, our family went to Willaimsburg for Anne Marie's gymnastics meet. She is the one in red.

While they were there, they saw some of the sights.

Soon, they were driving through this. So now they are stuck in Willaimsburg until the temp is high enough to melt the roads.

 Meanwhile, back here at home. Here is what our little city looks like.

“You’ll travel safely, you’ll neither tire nor trip. You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry, you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep. No need to panic over alarms or surprises, or predictions that doomsday’s just around the corner, Because God will be right there with you; he’ll keep you safe and sound.”
Proverbs 3

* My daughter-in -law and others took the family pictures. I found our snow pictures on  the city Facebook page. We have been inside all day. I never got out of my robe!


crafty cat corner said...

Looks very pretty, both your Grand daughters and the snow.

Ann said...

The snow is pretty but a foot is a lot at one time. I heard your area was getting hit.
Hope Anne Marie did well at her meet.

George said...

We got a couple of inches of snow from the storm, but I'm satisfied with that. It does look pretty around here this morning, though.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Love seeing your granddaughters and the SNOW! WOW! It looks like a winter wonderland! Enjoy your day! Holiday hugs, Diane

DeniseinVA said...

Seemed like a good day to stay in your robe Ginny. Cute photos of your family and of the girls in the stocks. A nice adventure for them and glad they had no problems traveling in that kind of weather.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first things first, all the way through the post I was fussing at you in my head for going out in the snow, then I got to the part about family stuck there and thought but she still took photos of her town, finally at the end, I found my true sister Henny Penny had statyed inside safe and sound. Ann Marie is beautiful. I know you would have loved to see it. the girls are adorable in the stocks. now I know where Old Williamsburg is. ha ha hope your power Is on and you get this comment

Linda said...

I was wondering how you got the pictures! Good that you and Phil are staying inside! I’ve been to Williamsburg before - when Amber was doing Synchronized swimming. I love how families get to travel and see places as our children compete!

Carla from The River said...

Goodness! You have more snow than we do in Wisconsin!
I enjoyed the photos.

photowannabe said...

Thanks for sharing the gorgeous pictures of the snow and your granddaughter.
so glad you stayed inside though. Brrr....looks like everything ground to a halt.
Our day is gray and dampish feeling but no rain for today.
Its a nice day for us to stay inside too.
I really like todays verse from Proverbs 3. What a great God Promise..

DawnTreader said...

Oh wow, that looks very wintry! We haven't really had any snow here yet, only frost - and/or rain.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I know you folks deal with snow diffently than we do. That looks like just a pretty amount to me. Nothing would come to a halt because of it. I’m not trying to minimize what this is to you, we just live farther north and are more used to things like this.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh the weather outside is frightful! I'd stay indoors also. Hope they all get home safely.

Sandi said...

In the first photo it looks like they are at the edge of a pool! I thought those were really cool diving suits until I read the caption! 😂

Vacation photos in stocks....haha... I have a few of those too. Isn't it funny how parents are like, "Oh! Stocks! You kids pose." Weren't they for criminals??

Love the blue tree in the window!

Chatty Crone said...

Funny I just read Sandra's blog. Your city and area is beautiful. Do you watch the Hallmark Channel - it looks like that. A foot of snow! Yikes - hope your granddaughter did well today too.

Rose said...

Good times with the family...for your son....and I love the snow pics...they are gorgeous!

Nancy Chan said...

I hope Anne Marie did a great performance. Nice photo of your 2 younger grand kids. Beautiful photos of the snowy scenes with the lights. I think I can hear Christmas carols and the jingling of bells.

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