Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Fried Chicken!

Our local KFC had been going downhill for a long time. The booth seats were ripped open, the seats were uncomfortable, and the staff  usually got orders wrong. Not to mention the buffet not being kept up with. But they closed it down for several weeks, totally remodeled, and hired all new people.

It reopened last week. I had my doubts, but couldn't wait to see how it had changed. So last week Phil & I went with a friend. The first thing I saw was this huge red table with booth seating, just inside the door. They had me. I demanded asked that we sit there.

The ordering desk.

And hanging where everyone can see it, the name of the farm that today's chicken came from, and who cooked it!

The booths were much easier to get in and out of, the new drink machine was wonderful, and better lighting. I was impressed.

I suppose now that people are more health conscious, they are not eating fried chicken as much. So this is a good idea to draw in more people. How much fried chicken do you eat? Where? Do you like KFC?

“If your idea of a seven course meal is a bucket of  KFC and a six pack, you might be a redneck.”
Jeff Foxworthy


DeniseinVA said...

I love that quote from Jeff Foxworthy. His tongue-in-cheek and self-deprecating humor gets me smiling. I hope your KFC makes a go out of it. I am always sad to see a restaurant go downhill. The one near us was taken out of our shopping center and another fried chicken company took it over. We tried it and it wasn't that good either. Hubby loves fried chicken and there's a small, family-run supermarket several miles away from here that sells it in their food section, hot and freshly made. If you're too late past lunch or dinner time it you won't get any because it sells fast - and it is excellent. We haven't been in a long time. I am not a big fried chicken fan but will have a piece when we go. I bet if I mention your post to him we will be there this weekend :)

Nancy Chan said...

I don't mind having KFC once in a while. We used to love KFC when I was younger and when my kids were small. Now there are many more choices to choose from.

Nancy Chan said...

I do hope that business will pick up once again for your local KFC.

Ann said...

How awesome that they remodeled and hired new staff. I used to love KFC. The last time I went the people working there were rather rude though.
The deli where I work makes fried chicken so if I want any I get it there.

Hootin Anni said...

Never went to KFC but once. I am not much on fried chicken (I do like chicken tenders from Raising Cane & Niko's). Now it's a different story when it comes to GRAVY!

From the Kitchen said...

Nice! I hope that happens here--and soon! Aside from my mother's, I've always liked KfC. I don't like Chick-fil-let at all and that's our other choice nearby.


George said...

Our local KFC got similar makeover during the summer. The staff was always good, but the new surroundings make the meal even nicer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was raised on fried chicken, it was a staple of southern living. I love KFC and it was what we bought when we went to GA to visit my parents. the biggest bucket for all of us. we have not had it in about 3 years, ours was not as bad as you say yours was, but the food was not the quality it used to be. your remodeled one looks great and I would for sure eat there. love that light fixture with the cup in the middle. also love that booth.
we are having fried chicken today but it will be from Publix... I am getting the box for lunch so bob can have left overs tomorrow because I will be at our TOPS Christmas luncheon. we have fried chicken maybe 6 or 8 times year. raising my kids I fried it once or twice a week. have not fried chicken in the last 35 years though,

LV said...

When I eat chicken out, it is at Churches. I have tried both but find it better prepared.

Rose said...

We had a combo Taco Bell/KFC here for a few years. Then last year there was a fire, and it has not been reopened. At first you simply could not get the right order, but that eventually improved. It is strange the difference sometimes in restaurants from the same chain. I am happy for you that yours has improved.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like a wonderful upgrade. I do eat fried chicken .We have a place called Chicken Chef and they make THE best chicken,I think.

Tamago said...

Looks like they did great job remodeling and hiring new people. I love that they put the name of farm where chicken came from and who cooked it! I love fried chicken but for some reason I rarely eat it :-D

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We have one in the next town over but it isn't a very nice town and I don't ever eat there. I kind of miss KFC.

Chatty Crone said...

We have something called The Big Chicken - It is Kentucky Fried Chicken in Marietta, GA where this huge chicken moves and his eyes move. It is a landmark - everyone knows where the big chicken is. Glad they fixed yours.

Lady Jane said...

Our KFC is going downhill also. We tried fried from the grocery store, awful... I fried some the other day using Golden Dipt and it was pretty good but made such a mess that I remembered why we go out to get it, lol. hugs, lj

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