Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Banquet

This evening we went to our church's Christmas Banquet. Everything was lovely. I was ready to chat and eat!

This is how they served the butter. They made it into a snowman! Or should I say a butterman? There was one at every table. It was too cute to eat, so almost no one touched it.

The dessert table was lovely.

On the way out, this is the tree in the foyer.

Here I am one the way out the door waving at you. But due to the dark and the parking lot reflections, I seem to have the body of a car...

A meal of bread and water in contented peace is better than a banquet spiced with quarrels.
Proverbs 17


Ann said...

The tables look so pretty. That butter idea is adorable.
I have to say that it looks kind of painful having that car running through

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that proverb is perfect... love that one... my favorite thing on the tables besides the butterman is the napkin with flat ware on it. a beautiful banquet and I hope there were no quarrels but having helped with these in the past I am sure there were a few... when you have that car in your tummy, I need a new one. ha ha

George said...

It looks as if the banquet was just perfect.

Tamago said...

Oh my! The snowman/butterman is adorable! Too cute to eat indeed! The decoration and food, all look so wonderful. I’d be hovering around the dessert table :-)

Rose said...

Everything looks beautiful!

Carla from The River said...

You are so fun, I love that car/you/reflection photo.

The snowbutter is SO CUTE!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That little 'butter man' is so cute.

Chatty Crone said...

Where were you - looked line a nice dinner. Of course I liked the butter man!

Nancy Chan said...

Butter man too cute to even touch! Lol! A grand christmas banquet, so beautifully decorated. The proverb is so true. Have a beautiful day!

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