Sunday, December 2, 2018

An Evening Of Singing & Joy

What is going on?

This evening our church Christmas Choir went to a large and beautiful retirement home to sing. It was good to meet and talk with some of these residents, and perhaps cheer them up. Phil's favorite new carol is "Somewhere In Your Silent Night". Have you heard it? He is singing in the back row, but you cannot see him.

But here he is now, during a break.

And here I am after the program.

A friend offered to take a picture of us together!! Not bad for almost 50 years of marriage!

Here are some of the things in their large comfortable lobby.

“All you saints! Sing your hearts out to God! Thank him to his face! He gets angry once in a while, but across a lifetime there is only love. The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter.
Psalm 30


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

i am sure both residents and choir enjoyed the singing and chats. Yes i have walked most of the made paths now at Mount Stewart Ginny

Ann said...

What beautiful decorations. Do you both sing in the choir? I have never heard that song so I went to youtube to listen to it. It's very pretty.

Hootin Anni said...

No I have not heard this Carol (or hymn). Love the photo of the two of you together!

From the Kitchen said...

You two look great!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never heard this song, I am listening to Casting Crowns sing it while I type. so beautiful. I did not know Bev was in the choir with Phil. the nursing home out did itself with decorations. really beautiful and my favorite is the box at the end, simple and beautiful. the phone of you and Phil is perfect and I love your sweater set.

Tamago said...

I love the photo of you two together. You are such a beautiful couple! The place looks very festive with all the decorations. I'm sure the Choir cheered up the residents :-)

The Feminine Energy said...

God bless you & your church choir for going to a nursing care facility to sing. This one looks beautiful! We have one or two like that in our area but mostly they're stinky, smelly, and not very nice. Those are the ones I try to encourage volunteers to visit as sometimes the folks in those places are forgotten. Love, Andrea xoxo

Inger said...

I love that you went to the nursing home to celebrate Christmas with songs and hymns. And the picture of you and Phil is absolutely lovely.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am sure you brought joy and the true Christmas spirit to those folks.

Chatty Crone said...

I love singing to Him - morning - noon or night! Almost 50 years together - YOU TWO LOOK GREAT!

Linda said...

You and Phil are amazing and you gave the gift of music to the residents as well as your presence. Both are priceless!

Nancy Chan said...

I am sure you all did a wonderful event to bring cheer to the residents of the home. You and Phil look great in the photo. Lovely Christmas decorations at the home. I like the song.

DeniseinVA said...

You both look lovely, and I have just listened to the song on YouTube by Casting Crowns. It's beautiful and I would have loved to hear Phil and the choir sing it. Choir music is one of my favorite ways of listening to music. I grew up listening to the Welsh Miner's Choir. It's a wonderful thing you do to go to retirement homes and bring that kind of joy. There is a lot of joy in music.

DeniseinVA said...

Also wanted to say how much I enjoyed your photos, really beautiful!

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