Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Green

Enough of the winter. Enough with the dark and cold. In this post I declare it over, and show you some beautiful green. Don't look away, or it will be cold and dark again.

As a bonus, I'm throwing in some flowers. Remember them?

God spoke: “Earth, green up! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants, Every sort of fruit-bearing tree.” And there it was. Earth produced green seed-bearing plants, all varieties, And fruit-bearing trees of all sorts. God saw that it was good. It was evening, it was morning— Day Three.
Genesis 1


Hootin Anni said...

I love the colorful watering can planters!

Sandi said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a great idea to put the plants in watering cans, these are beautiful, when I saw your header I thought you had come to Florida and not told me... then I wondered where you found banana trees, then I decided it was at a nursery and these are from the summer time... beautiful colors mean JOY

Nancy Chan said...

The green leaves look like banana trees. Love the colourful watering cans. Have a happy new week!

Chatty Crone said...

I was taken aback by those beautiful green plants - it looks so nice in winter.
Also I bet the Garden of Eden at first - was just GORGEOUS!

Tamago said...

It’s so lovely to see bright green and colorful flowers :-) Happy Sunday xo

Ann said...

Thank you for declaring winter over. You've made me very happy. Now I just need to figure out how to go about my daily activity without looking away from your

Ruth Hiebert said...

Even though I am not tired of winter, these bright greens do look good.

Rose said...

I could sure use these shots on some of the cold, rainy dreary days. they are a sight for sore eyes!

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