Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Picnic

This is one of the latest puzzles we did, an animal picnic. I think that nowadays picnics can be fun with social distancing.

“We hope that, when the insects take over the world, they will remember with gratitude how we took them along on all our picnics.”
~Bill Vaughan Jewel-bright ...

"Tea" to the English is really just a picnic indoors. ~Alice Walker


CheerfulMonk said...

I love the puzzle, and I love those quotes. :)

crafty cat corner said...

Pleased you are still finding puzzles fun. We are on hold with puzzles at the moment but as the colder weather comes in we will back at it again, we have a cupboard full of them waiting to be done.

Ann said...

What a cute puzzle this is. I haven't been on a picnic in a very long time.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the close-up of the chipmunk! Such adorable puzzles you find...ours this time around is a 1500 pieces one of four cats...it seems we've been working on it for weeks! Wait! We HAVE been.

Martha said...

This is absolutely adorable! Love it :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Here I was expecting to see you on a real picnic but I guess this is the next best thing when your social distancing. It's too hot to go out and have a picnic right now but I sure would like to have one when the weather finally cools off. And I do hope that a chipmunk comes and visits but I'm more likely to see a squirrel R A seagull

George said...

This is another cute puzzle. How many do you think you have done over the years?

Nancy Chan said...

Nice puzzle. Its been a long time since we had picnic.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your puzzles!

Carla from The River said...

I love the first quote Ginny!!

Linda said...

So pretty!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

This is one of the cutest puzzles I have seen.


R's Rue said...

Cute puzzle.

Tony Payne said...

Lovely pictures on the jigsaws, I love the colors.
When I was on furlough for 2 months in April and May, my wife and I managed to complete a couple of 1,000 piece jigsaws.
They were really enjoyable to do, but some parts were incredibly difficult.

Ruth Hiebert said...

A good old-fashioned picnic is always fun.

Rose said...

I think that would be a fun puzzle...love the quote.

Inger said...

What a sweet puzzle.

Mari said...

Cute puzzle and I like that quote too!

DeniseinVA said...

Another pretty puzzle :) Love it and that quote!

L. D. said...

Great jigsaw puzzle. I like all the creatures and picnic.

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