Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween Eve & A Ghost

I will be dividing our Halloween day post into a few days, as a lot happened. Here are some things we saw while driving today. I thought this Trick-Or-treat setup was cool. Social distancing candy!

We passed the new Catholic church. In the dusk, it looked Medieval. Do you see this figure on the right? No one was there. A ghost, perhaps?

Then we happened to pass that new beer restaurant that I have posted in the past.

What's this? I could hardly believe my eyes!

Yes, it was a bunch of Santas and elves!

There was a big sign saying they were having some kind of Halloween party. Looks like the waiters were all dressed in Christmas outfits, and playing cornhole outside. Well, I had rarely seen something this strange. But, bidding the Halloween Santas farewell,  we had to get on with our journey. To be continued....

I bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween. 

 ~13-year-old's entry to a newspaper contest


MadSnapper n Beau said...

The picture of the medieval church with a ghost and I love that black bowl that they have the candy in in the first one. I've heard of Christmas in July but not Christmas on Halloween

Hootin Anni said...

Halloween was very weird this year...and the Santa's proved it. lol. Great spooky church image.

Nancy Chan said...

Nice Halloween decorations. Oh no! A spooky church! Hahaha...santas and elves celebrating Halloween.

Rose said...

I like that church shot, too.

Martha said...

Great photos Ginny. The Santa's are funny and that figure in the church shot is really creepy!

George said...

Somehow Santas on Halloween make sense in 2020.

Buttercup said...

Those Halloween costumes are a good way to keep warm when partying out of doors, but it seems too early to be in Christmas attire. I'll be posting more Halloween pictures today. Lots of fun ones from Halloween.

Chatty Crone said...

We gave our candy out like that this year too.
Wonder if that was a bush or tree by the church?
Love the waiters in Santa suits.
Love the quote by the 13 year old - smart gal.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Teee heeeee.... Beginning Christmas early! I was actually considering putting a Christmas wreath out. :-)

Happy November!

photowannabe said...

Now, that's what I call a clever 13 year old...HaHa
Strange Santas and Halloween but hey, anything goes in our COVID craziness.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hey Ginny, what is "cornhole"?...:)jp

L. D. said...

The santas were shocking to see. Great photos all of them.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I will admit that I have been listening to Christmas music already...but I’m not ready for Santa yet.

Tamago said...

The figure in the church photo is scary! Santas and elves on Halloween night are strange for sure. Though, the grocery store nearby already has all the Christmas stuff out already :-)

DeniseinVA said...

That was a good catch on the figure at the church. I was just thinking what a great photo it was and then read everyone's comments. I was focused on the dark outline and the sky behind it. Had to go back and find the figure. Great catch! Interesting about the Christmas/Halloween and chuckled at your quote. That first shot was a good way of getting the candy out to the little ones and not so little ones :)

Ann said...

Oh my, the picture of the church has me curious as to what that figure on the right is.
Halloween Santas and elves? That's something I've never seen before.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

You certainly spotted a lot of interesting and unusual things.
Are you positive there was no one there when you took the picture of the church? It definitely looks like a person. Maybe you're right about it perhaps being a ghost?
I loved the 13 year-old's quote.

Reanaclaire said...

After Halloween, it will be thanksgiving this month, right? Looking forward to that day!

The Feminine Energy said...

It's wonderful to hear of a new church being built.... as it seems all I ever hear about these days are churches closing! And that "saint" I see, on the right hand side of the photo.... I wonder who it could be?! :-) What's the name of the new church, I wonder? Perhaps it's their patron saint, coming for a visit. ~Andrea xoxo

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