Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Bully Birds

 A couple posts ago, I posted a pic of a Blue Jay. Quite a few of you remarked on it. But truth be told, I have never been very fond of them. They seem to be such bullies, and reading about them confirms this. One day I saw a Blue Jay pull the worm right out of the beak of another bird!Here are some of our local ones.

But reading some of the facts at the end of this post made me feel a bit differently about them. What about you?



This is a rare characteristic among birds, and it is called sexual monomorphism, meaning the males and females look the same. 


On average, Blue Jays live about five to seven years, but the oldest known Blue Jay lived for at least 26 years and 11 months.


The mating season typically takes place from mid-March to July. Once a female Blue Jay chooses her mate, they are typically together for life in a monogamous relationship.


CheerfulMonk said...

They’re too aggressive for me, but great pictures. ❤️

Caillo Lisa said...
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Hootin Anni said...

A lot of birds are considered "bullies", but for me there are such in all factors of life! Doesn't make me dislike them tho. Did you know that blue Jay feathers are not really blue? Their feathers are actually reflective brown!! Look it up in Google.

Ann said...

I have read before that Blue Jays are bullies. Even so they are beautiful birds. Interesting facts about them. I didn't know any of these. Especially the one about males and females looking the same. I just always assumed that the ones I've seen have been males since they were so colorful.

Jeanette said...

Bullies but they sure are pretty birds!

Martha said...

They are beautiful birds but definitely bullies. I think many birds are bullies though, just another fact of nature.

Chatty Crone said...

I did not know that!!! That is incredibly interesting. So they are pretty bullies. Yes the males are usually prettier so these are the same - very interesting!

Nancy Chan said...

I didn't know they are bullies but they are beautiful birds. Interesting facts about these birds.

The Feminine Energy said...

The personality of a blue jay is God-given. How can we ever find anything wrong with it. ;-) ~Andrea xoxoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Your Header is weird looking, LIKE MINE~~~~

And yes, I mean the caps!

Because I am upset about my Header and you may be too!

Is it just the Full Moon?????????

Or did Blogger do something?????

Beside a babbling brook... said...

And I can not get any help from Blogger.

Did you try?

My email is on my Profile Page, if you would like to contact me.


Beside a babbling brook... said...


Did you see your 2nd comment?

It sure looks like SPAM.

Do you want it, in your Comments???

Ruth Hiebert said...

I may be one of few, but I actually like the Blue Jays. They brighten our winter landscape and can be counted on to bring entertainment.

Tanya Breese said...

I didn’t know they were bullies but I remember my grandpa couldn’t stand them because they’d get in his garden!

DeniseinVA said...

I can’t help it. I still love them.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Good Morning my Dear!

Here in "New Blogger Header Land"!


Well, we have both managed to work our way around the New Header Issue!! So we are to be congratulated!

Your blog look is wider, where you put your posts, I think, making for bigger posted pics. I love that!!!

And if you still want Sidebar things, you can put them, at the bottom of your blog, like I do.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you. I do not like them at all. They are loud, obnoxious and annoy all my other birds in my yard!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

6/25 6pmDST

This is now Simple Theme. I love it and have used it, for years.

Now for your Header.

What I did, was notice what my Header width is. Then I made pictures, to that width. (Mine is an odd number... 1073) And thus, the picture fills the whole Header space. If it does not, the pic is moved to the left. Because Blogger no longer gives me a place, to add the Code, to make my Headers center.



🍓 🌝 🍓 🌝 🍓

Inger said...

I remember the blue jays from when I lived in NJ. Here we have a similar bird, called a scrub jay.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I like blue jays. I know they get a bad rap but I figure they're just the way God made them, for a reason. Also they're such a pretty blue. xoxo

L. D. said...

Your photos are so good. I appreciate the information too. I don[t get any of them at my feeder living in suburbia.

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for the info on these I still enjoy them. I have actually seem them chased away by other birds.


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