Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Up In The Air

 A tractor on a tall pole. In the south, it seems like you see quite a few things on poles, including motorcycles and bikes.

Time is not so relentless when it is possible to watch the sun make an uninhibited arc across the day, when the stars take up more of the night's space than the darkness, when a footprint lives for days in its moist soil bed, when the only motor to be heard is the occasional tractor several miles away.

~Cecily Schmidt


The Feminine Energy said...

Hoist anything iconic onto a pole and it's a piece of art. :) I'll accept that. *lol* ~Andrea xoxoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

That's cheerful. 😊

DeniseinVA said...

This is such a neat image and I enjoyed the poem too. Thanks Ginny :)

Nancy Chan said...

You always find the most interesting items. Very eye catching. Have a fabulous week.

Reanaclaire said...

How unique and interesting Ginny! You are really observant, I must be like you then I can capture more interesting things here to show you but alas, we are still forbidden to go out and walk around...

Ann said...

That certainly makes it convenient to spot the place when you are going down the road.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm lost! My GPS is down. But, I am at the corner of the tractor and stop light!! Come get me.

This is a fun post today Ginny.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have seen motorcycles, bikes and cars but not a tractor. I just read Hootin Annies comment. love that. Bob and I do that too. use landmarks to say where were were or are at the time.. you can always say lets meet at the tractor. bring your camera...

Martha said...

That's fun! :)

George said...

This is the first tractor I've seen on a pole.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

-clapping hands- Now that is a pole display!!!!!!!

Gentle hugs

photowannabe said...

I too use landmarks as my "GPS"..great capture.
I smiled at Hootin' Anni"s comment..Perfect..

DawnTreader said...

Well, that's something I'm pretty sure I've never seen before... :)

Jeanette said...

Heading up north in Michigan there is a John Deere dealer on the expressway. They used to have a tractor on a pole. It's hasn't been there for the last few times I drove by though. I wonder if it fell down!

Inger said...

So Virginia is for lovers and strange things on poles.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is sure to be noticed.

LC said...

Choice photo and quotation!

L. D. said...

They don't make them like that anymore. The have nice tractors in their sales lot.

Carla from The River said...

FUN!!! :-)

Jenny the Pirate said...

Cute and whimsical. I love stuff up on poles. xoxo

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